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20 Jun, 2022

The Right Food for Diarrhea

It's embarrassing to admit that one has it when one does, but occasional Diarrhea is instead a common thing - most people will have it at least once a...

benefits of makhana
30 May, 2022

Top 10 Exciting Health benefits of Makhana

If you haven’t tried makhanas, it is high time to try them. They are a particular type of seed-derived that is driven from the Euryale Ferox plant, ...

13 May, 2022

Nutrients in Soya Chunk beans

If you are a vegetarian or Vegan, Soya Chunk beans can be your savior. They are a rich source of proteins and minerals that offer valuable health bene...

soyachunks benefits protein
9 May, 2022

The good and bad of Soya Chunk beans

It is a widely held myth that an entirely plant-based diet will not provide one with enough proteins. Fortunately, this myth is being busted as more p...

Butterfly pea flower side effects
15 Apr, 2022

The side-effects of Butterfly pea flower: Detailed Guide!

Like the color of the sky, the blue-colored butterfly pea flower enjoys a unique recognition because of its visual. It also offers numerous health ben...

fusili vs rotini
9 Apr, 2022

Know the Differences between Fusilli and Rotini: How are they different?

Italian cuisine is perhaps one of the best and wealthiest cuisines globally. We owe so much to it, from pasta to spaghetti to modern pizzas. There...

Diet for jaundice
12 Mar, 2022

What is the Good diet for Jaundice? Everything you need to know!

Jaundice is a type of chronic liver disease reasons your pores and skin and the whites of your eyes to show yellow. Due to bilirubin reasons, Jaundice...

black horse gram benefits
10 Mar, 2022

What are the black horse gram benefits?

Have you ever heard about black horse gram and its benefits? If you know about it, you are fortunate as it has many benefits available. The health ben...

What fruits can a diabetic eat
1 Mar, 2022

Raw Fruits for Diabetics: Here are the Best Choices in 2022

Diabetes can be a curse in many ways, but its worst impact is all the delicious foods and fruits items that are now forbidden and they can't eat them....

indian food that last a long time without refrigeration
16 Feb, 2022

Indian Foods that last long time without refrigerator

It is common for food things to go bad in a short period, and it is only when you attempt to use them in a recipe that you learn that they are no long...

indian foods to avoid while trying to conceive
14 Feb, 2022

Must Known Indian Foods To Avoid While Trying to Conceive

Heyy! First and foremost, congrats! You and your spouse must be overjoyed at the prospect of welcoming your baby into the world. Somewhere between ...

low glycemic index indian foods
12 Feb, 2022

Low Glycemic Index Indian Food : Complete Guide 

When it comes to carbs, the glycemic index (GI) is a rating of meals based on their glycemic reaction or the quantity and speed they raise blood sugar...