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Foods to gain weight
28 Oct, 2022
Top 7 Best Foods to Gain Weight for a Healthy Life

If one is on the skinny side and wants to build your body, one must exercise a lot but one must also eat food items that can help one gain weight - as...

27 Jun, 2022
Easy Ways to Get Rid of Love Handles

They may have a lot of euphemistic names - love handles and muffin tops, to name a few, but there is nothing to love, and there is nothing sweet about...

26 Jun, 2022
When to Refrigerate Bananas?

If the reader too mostly keeps them on kitchen shelves, they may also wonder - can bananas be refrigerated? The simple answer is yes, but not always. ...

24 Jun, 2022
Soaked Chia Seeds and Their Benefits

Chia seeds offer precious health benefits and are great to include in your diet. However, one of their most excellent properties is that they can abso...

20 Jun, 2022
The Right Food for Diarrhea

It's embarrassing to admit that one has it when one does, but occasional Diarrhea is instead a common thing - most people will have it at least once a...

benefits of makhana
30 May, 2022
Top 10 Exciting Health benefits of Makhana

If you haven’t tried makhanas, it is high time to try them. They are a particular type of seed-derived that is driven from the Euryale Ferox plant, ...

13 May, 2022
Nutrients in Soya Chunk beans

If you are a vegetarian or Vegan, Soya Chunk beans can be your savior. They are a rich source of proteins and minerals that offer valuable health bene...

soyachunks benefits protein
9 May, 2022
The good and bad of Soya Chunk beans

It is a widely held myth that an entirely plant-based diet will not provide one with enough proteins. Fortunately, this myth is being busted as more p...

benefits of white tea
11 Apr, 2022
What is white tea, and what are its benefits?

Beverages are the only place where the health benefits and taste find such a powerful combination when it comes to drinks. Unfortunately, while one he...

fusili vs rotini
9 Apr, 2022
Know the Differences between Fusilli and Rotini: How are they different?

Italian cuisine is perhaps one of the best and wealthiest cuisines globally. We owe so much to it, from pasta to spaghetti to modern pizzas. There...

indian food that last a long time without refrigeration
16 Feb, 2022
Indian Foods that last long time without refrigerator

It is common for food things to go bad in a short period, and it is only when you attempt to use them in a recipe that you learn that they are no long...

estrogen rich indian foods
9 Feb, 2022
Estrogen Rich Indian Food that you should include in your diet

With a woman's menopausal progression, her progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen levels begin to fall. The risk of heart disease increases as a res...