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30 Sep, 2020
Coconut- It’s magical health benefits and ways to eat!

If you believe in the power of natural ingredients, coconut is a power-packed source of energy, nutrients, and many other magical health benefits. The...

socialize in covid-19
20 Sep, 2020
Ask 5 Questions before you plan to socialize again!

I often worry about the thought of socializing again after such a long break due to the COVID-19 scenario. One of my friends asked yesterday if she ca...

Rabies Myths
15 Sep, 2020
What are the 5 common myths about Rabies?

Rabies is a deadly infection that spreads through a virus and is prominent for many years. A large number of children die across the world due to this...

First-Aid Day
8 Sep, 2020
Top FAQs on First-Aid Day

On First-Aid Day, it is essential to know the basics of a first-aid kit and the importance of carrying it anywhere you travel. Having an organized and...

world photography day
4 Aug, 2020
Tops ways to revive the camera magic this World Photography Day!

Click a snap and spread the power of the camera lens all around! Photography is a passionate work that motivates us to explore and restore the best mo...

Health Benefits of music
20 Jun, 2020
10 Health benefits of music

Isn't it amazing that, while listening to a specific song, you tend to feel a special memory of the past, or it makes you feel relaxed or quiet or ene...

Blood Donation
3 Jun, 2020
5 Tips while you donate the blood

Blood donation being a noble cause, there can never be a second thought for it. But there are a few things which need to be remembered irrespective of...

Benefits of Cycling
2 Jun, 2020
10 benefits of cycling for health, which can prompt you to cycle daily!!

It would help if you were physically active to stay fit and healthy. Daily physical exercise can help defend you against severe illnesses such as obes...

best comedy shows
23 May, 2020
Best Comedy Shows in English

Sharing a list of best comedy shows in English, which can bring laughter to you. EPISODES Episodes is an American-British comedy television show mad...

21 May, 2020
Tobacco : Ways to keep teenagers away from it

Tobacco is one of the most dangerous things that can lead to life-threatening diseases. Most of the smokers started smoking at their teenagers to act ...

best comedy shows
20 May, 2020
Best Indian Comedy Shows

Laughing is an essential aspect of human life; it has countless advantages. We always seek pleasure in our comfort zones. That is why everybody has at...

Red Cross Society
8 May, 2020
Red Cross Society : Everything you should know

On May 8th each year the world celebrates the World Red Cross Day, it's celebrated on the birthday of the founder of Red Cross Society, Henry Dunant. ...