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Top FAQs on First-Aid Day

Tuesday September 8, 2020 at 5:50 pm

On First-Aid Day, it is essential to know the basics of a first-aid kit and the importance of carrying it anywhere you travel. Having an organized and equipped first-aid kit can be a blessing for you, your kids, and anyone who needs it on an emergency basis. Any unpleasant emergency or accident can call for help that you could derive with a primary health kit. 

First-aid kits are mandatory at your home, workplace, cars, or even while traveling. The more people having such kits ensure a safer community on the whole. There might be several questions running across your mind in relevance to First-Aid Day. Let’s answer them one by one. 

Q. What should my first-aid kit comprise of?

  1. Here is a comprehensive list of first-aid essentials that you must have:
  • Doctor’s mask to protect yourself from the transmission of diseases in public places
  • Hand gloves made up of Nitrile or Vinyl as the latex one might result in allergies. Ensure that you keep at least 2 pairs of gloves. 
  • Sterile gauzes play a significant role when someone meets a small accident and needs to treat the wounds immediately. They are accessible in various sizes, and you can choose any one of them. 
  • In case of unfortunate heavy bleeding, you must have few abdominal pads that can control bleeding’s heavy pressure. 
  • Bandages are a must-have in your first-aid kit as they give an instant treatment for small cuts and scratches. It is advisable to carry various types of bandages, such as knuckles, fingertips, and butterflies. 
  • Coban or Simple wrap is another must-have product in your kit as you can cover small or big wounds without the use of tape or scissors. 
  • Bandage scissors- It is ideal to buy the stainless steel scissors as you can sterile them and last for a longer time. 
  • Cold packs is another inclusion when you face any swelling on the body. Seek your doctor’s advice for the best brand of the non-toxic cold pack as it refrains from poisonous chemicals. 
  • Although not compulsory, but adding a mylar blanket to your first-aid kit is the right decision. It is a cost-effective option that can retain human body heat and is waterproof. 

Q. Which is an ideal place to store the first-aid kit?

  1. You can keep it any place where it is easily findable. There should be no secrecy in keeping the first-aid kit as every family member must be well-aware of its storage place. Just stay away from the children’s reach, or they might use it for playing purposes, which can be risky. Dedicate a central area at your home for the first-aid kit so that anyone can easily reach out to it. Besides, keep handy a small kit in your car or handbag to be helpful for you or anyone else on the road or mid-way. 

Q. How frequently should I Check the First-Aid kit?

  1. Medical accessories and ointments come with an expiry date, and using them after it can prove hazardous to your health. Hence, you need to maintain your first-aid kit on a timely basis and keep an eye on the items running out of stock. At least once a year, you must replace all the first-aid essentials with the fresh stock. Medical supplies that you might use for wounds and burnt can cause severe allergies if they pass the expiry date. Hence, it is advisable to keep a check when you purchase them and also re-assure that they are fresh and fine to use. 

Many factors affect the quality of first-aid kit supplies, such as moisture and exposure to air. Use fresh cotton and ensure that there is no dirt in it. Inspect the kit for cracks and damages as a defective kit can expose the medical supplies to moisture retention. Also, ensure that the dressing, bandages, and gauze in the kit are sealed and fresh. 

Q. How to use gauze and tape?

  1. Tips for using gauze and tape:
  • Rinse your hands with good soap and, if possible, wear gloves.
  • Wash or clean the wound with a small piece of gauze.
  • Apply ointment over the wound and place a fresh piece of gauze over it.
  • Apply tape evenly over the gauze to ensure it stays in place. 

Q. How can I treat nose-bleed?

  1. Nose-bleed can result due to many factors, and you can treat it at home with the following measures:
  • Do not get nervous and take a deep breath! The more you get nervous, the more you might bleed. 
  • Ensure to keep your head in an upward position in comparison to the body. 
  • Lean towards the front as it avoids the blood to go down the throat.
  • .Try to close your nostril for around 5 minutes and breathe through the mouth. This would increase the opposite pressure on nostrils, and bleeding might stop immediately. 
  • Once the bleeding stops, do not release it in force, the bleeding might start again. 
  • In the case of severe nose-bleed, you can also seek medical advice from your doctor. 

Q. How to treat bee, wasp, and other types of insect stings?

  1. It solely depends on the severity that the allergic reaction needs medical attention or not. In most cases, medications work well but observe the intensity of reactions as well. Common measures for treating insect stings are the usage of protective clothing and the use of insect repellent. Few other tips for treating them are:
  • Application of ice for 20 minutes can provide healing. Wrap few ice cubes in a towel so that your skin does not feel the freezing touch. 
  • To calm down the swelling and itching, make use of antihistamine and Benadryl for mild sedation. 
  • Take ibuprofen or Tylenol for pain relief.
  • Clean the sting site thoroughly with water to avoid allergies and itching. 
  • Most of these stings do not need medical care. 

Final words

World First-Aid Day comes on 12th September to recall the importance of first-aid kit and emergency preventive measures to the people globally. Having this kit is vital for many reasons and topmost if self-help. Along with yourself, you can also be a savior to several others. Why not spread the awareness of staying alert and medically sound about the initial steps to treat any wound or mishap! Let’s celebrate this day with the oath of self-love and self-care by staying updated on all your First-Aid Kits