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indian food that last a long time without refrigeration
16 Feb, 2022

Indian Foods that last long time without refrigerator

It is common for food things to go bad in a short period, and it is only when you attempt to use them in a recipe that you learn that they are no long...

indian fermented foods
15 Feb, 2022

Is Indian Fermented Foods Beneficial for Health?

Fermented foods have recently been a popular subject of discussion among a wide range of individuals, including specialists. A naturally occurring ana...

indian foods to avoid while trying to conceive
14 Feb, 2022

Must Known Indian Foods To Avoid While Trying to Conceive

Heyy! First and foremost, congrats! You and your spouse must be overjoyed at the prospect of welcoming your baby into the world. Somewhere between ...

key limes benefits
29 Jan, 2022

What are some of the greatest key lime benefits?

Key lime is recognized worldwide to be highly beneficial to the health profile. Based on the scale of acidity, Key lime outranks regular lime and thus...

benefits of muskmelon
28 Jan, 2022

What are the Principal Benefits of Muskmelon?

When you are thinking of summer foods, what are the first things that come to mind? Fruits or veggies that have high water content or sweet foods that...

Appealing health benefits of cranberries
24 Jan, 2022

Want to have more Appealing Health Benefits of Cranberries?

Cranberries are one of the nutritional foods. Also, it has many medicinal benefits and can have it in all seasons. The different age groups of people ...

banana on empty stomach
16 Dec, 2021

Can You Eat Bananas on Empty Stomach?

There have been several myths and stories about the right time to eat your favorite fruit banana! Is morning breakfast the best time to munch on it? M...

which banana is good for babies
14 Dec, 2021

Are Bananas a Good Option for Babies?

How about adding bananas into a daily meal for your baby? It might be anticipated to choose first-ever solid food for the new baby. Bananas are a wond...

Is banana good for jaundice
27 Nov, 2021

Is Banana Effective in Treating Jaundice?

Jaundice is a prevalent disease that is quite common in people of all age groups. Do you want to find out if Banana helps in quick recovery from Jaund...

foods to eat in jaundice for speedy recovery
22 Nov, 2021

What Are the Best Foods to Eat in Jaundice?

Are you willing to know all about Jaundice? It is a common problem that most struck newborn infants, adults, and even aged people. There might be an a...

benefits of oziva protein and herbs
11 Oct, 2021

What is Oziva Protein and How It Aids in Fitness?

People are gaining more and more awareness about excellent health, fitness, and longevity. An urge to higher fitness levels has also increased the imp...

benefits of red banana
11 Sep, 2021

Magical Benefits of Eating Red Bananas- Are they Better than the Yellow Ones?

Do you know about the scrumptious taste of red bananas? Are you sure if they are better than the yellow ones? The red banana or the Dhaka Banana is qu...