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Skin Care
5 Apr, 2020

Things You Can Do This Quarantine For Your Skin Care

Most of the time, owing to the hectic schedule that we follow we forget to give our skin the proper attention that it requires. However, this quaranti...

Hair Care
3 Apr, 2020

5 Hair Care Tips to Follow this Quarantine Season

While you have nothing much to do at home during quarantine, one thing that you can do for sure is taking care of your hair with these awesome tips. ...

29 Mar, 2020

Sabudana Recipes You Can Try For Navratri

Navratri has finally arrived and all of us are literally excited. With all the pomp and celebration, one thing that adds flavor to this festival is th...

Navaratri Diet
28 Mar, 2020

Navratri Diet Planner for 9 days

Navratri, a nine days long celebration has finally arrived and most of us are worried about the diet plan that we are going to follow. To help you mak...

19 Mar, 2020

8 Best Hand Sanitizers to Use

With the outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic, people are suggested to become extra conscious about hygiene. Keeping all the things aside, one mandatory thin...

16 Mar, 2020

Most Effective Home Remedies For Fever

Fever is a part and parcel of life that can knock our doors anytime we expose our body to conditions that it finds intolerable. At times, it is an exe...

Food that helps you sleep
9 Mar, 2020

Food That Helps You Sleep

Sleep is one of the most underappreciated treasures by those who are able to sleep peacefully. There are many others who struggle to go off to sleep d...

20 Jan, 2020

Sunburns : Dos & Dont’s?

The sunburns are a painful experience. We highly recommend using sun creams at all times when it is necessary. Not only sunburns are painful and irrit...

Healthy Goals
15 Jan, 2020

Fitness Resolutions : Ways to stick to them

All of us tend to set one or the other goals for ourselves but sometimes we end up not keeping up to the expectation of fulfilling these. There are se...

15 Jan, 2020

Caffeine & its Myths

We are surrounded by myths associated with almost all the things and all the events that take place in our surroundings. One such thing that has a lot...

Exercises 2020
10 Jan, 2020

Exercises To Do For A Perfect Start Of The Decade

If you have set some fitness goals for yourself but are unable to settle on the exercises that you ought to shortlist then here we are for your help. ...

Healthy Habit for 2020
3 Jan, 2020

Healthy Habits That Will Make Your Year A Healthy One

Staying healthy and developing healthy habits is not at all a cumbersome task. All that is required is a little dedication and zeal on your end to do ...