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blood donation After COVID Vaccine
6 Jul, 2021

Blood Donation After COVID Vaccine: Is it Safe?

Guide on Blood Donation After COVID-19 Vaccine- Facts Unleashed! Ever since the coronavirus pandemic broke out, there were lots of anticipation and s...

10 Jun, 2021

10 Tips for Beginners Trying to Seek Fitness- ‘Get Fit’ Strategy!

How to Follow a Fitness Regime as a Beginner?  Is it your ultimate aim to get fit? What do you interpret as the perfect definition of fitness? It co...

Self Care
6 Jun, 2021

10 Things to do For Practising Self-care Routine!

Activities that Should be a Part of Self-Care Routine! How crucial is it to be full of Gratitude and compassion? Being kind to others and showing hum...

2 Jun, 2021

5 Innovative Recipes with Cucumber!

Stay Hydrated with These Unique Cucumber Recipes! Do you know a veggie that could keep you up on hydration? Yes, it’s the magic food Cucumber with ...

30 May, 2021

7 Surprising Benefits of Jogging- Are You Missing out on them?

Why Is Jogging Must for Everyone? Have you ever wondered why the healthiest people at older ages never miss out on jogs? Jogging has stupendous effec...

Basic Keto Meal Plan Manual  Beginner’s Guide!
26 May, 2021

Basic Keto Meal Plan Manual- Beginner’s Guide!

Keto Diet- Get Your First Meal Plan Here! Isn't the trend of a ketogenic diet is at a high surge? You might have heard many of your gym freak friends...

Positive Vibes
25 May, 2021

10 Easy Ways to Boost yourself with Positive Vibes!

Good Mood and Positive Vibes always hang out together! Imbibing good things, people, and a compassionate attitude can endure positivity which keeps yo...

mental health
21 May, 2021

COVID-19 and Mental Health- Tips to Retain Your Sanity!

Do you mark yourself physically safe from the dreadful pandemic virus? If yes, you are lucky, but what about mental health. Uncertainties about the li...

Hair Fall
14 May, 2021

10 Natural Remedies to Prevent Hair Fall!

How to Reduce Hair Fall Through Natural Ways? Isn’t it shattering to face the fear of baldness at an early age? Don’t you feel it is irritating t...

Couple Workout
12 May, 2021

Top 10 Advantages of Couple Workout- How Sweating Together Helps!

Workout for Couples- 10 Incredible Benefits of Exercising Together! Hitting the gym or planning a walk daily at the park might be a monotonous regime...

Health and Fitness Tips for Kids in 2021
31 Mar, 2021

Health and Fitness Tips for Kids in 2021

Due to constant attacks on the immune system, a child is prone to problems with cough and cold. However, parents constantly care for their children to...

Metal Detector: Its Types and Uses in the Pharma Industry
25 Mar, 2021

Metal Detector: Its Types and Uses in the Pharma Industry

If we look in the practical field, there are various devices available to find hidden metals. Metal detector is one of the best devices designed to fi...