Jeera of cumin has a flattering aroma, fantastic taste, and the host of nutritional benefits that Indians have been well-versed for centuries. Most Indian foods stay incomplete without the cumin punch in them. Whether it’s ‘tadka’ in vegetables or roasted and ground cumin powder, this is a noticeable garnishing ingredient in most Indian kitchens. Jeera water effectively eliminates a large amount of fat and toxins from your body and helps in weight loss. It also imparts a more clear skin along with body fitness.
The use of cumin or jeera water has proven effects in maintaining health and wellness which ultimately helps in losing those extra kilos from your body. It is responsible for the removal of unwanted toxins that intervene with the natural digestive system. Cumin seeds are also flab-cutting and help in better digestion levels of your body. Does it help in losing weight as well?
You need to understand that a healthy digestive system is linked with fat loss and effective weight management. Drinking jeera water obstructs fat accumulation and amplifies the fat-burning process in your body. This eventually leads to a quick weight loss in most people. You can also boil jeera along with cinnamon and get instant digestive relief if required. Sneak out below to learn more about it.
Jeera water is immensely low in calories, and one tablespoon or 20 grams of it comprises 8 calories. Sipping down cumin water can procure unlimited health benefits without the concern of any extra calorie intake. It is ideal for drinking jeera water before meals before the hunger pangs prompt you to intake unhealthy stuff. This can also prevent the guilt of gulping junk foods that can further hinder the weight loss journey. Also, read our blogs on the health benefits of horse grams for weight loss.
Jeera water is an excellent detoxifying agent that comprises a large number of health benefits. You can intake it multiple times in a day without bothering about the harm it might cause. It is possible to drink cumin water as per your taste and necessity for the body.
Even for accelerating weight loss and ensuring better detoxification, intake of cumin water 3-4 times a day can prove helpful. Including it in meals when you wake up in the morning or at lunch can help in reducing cravings. After dinner also, you can include its regular intake and store it in huge quantities as well. Sipping the jeera water in the morning hours can restore your health in its best form and give you multiple advantages. Even after heavy meals, it is desirable to drink cumin water and infuse some additions to it.
For making it more interesting, you can also add some cinnamon powder along with it. Cinnamon has many anti-inflammatory properties that could stabilize the glucose level and remove all the free radicals from your body. The best way is to soak the cumin seeds overnight in water. Before consuming it, you can add a cinnamon powder spoon to it. Adding some ginger powder into it can also prove helpful. It is also a great idea to add some sweets to minimize their bitter taste.
Another option is to add some lime juice along with jeera water for making a perfect mixture. Lime juice consists of citric acid that can enhance metabolism levels and burn a higher number of calories.
The next option is to combine jeera water with some fenugreek seeds for faster weight loss results. You have to boil the seeds and then strain them before taking some healthy sips. They can prove helpful in managing hormonal imbalances and coping with the troubles linked to the digestive system. Drinking lukewarm jeera water is also beneficial in dealing with inflammation problems. Also, get to learn more about the side effects of jeera water on your body in detail here!
Have you made up your mind to go on a jeer water diet? Are you aware of its anti-inflammatory benefits? Cumin seeds include multiple bio-active compounds and a host of other anti-inflammatory properties. Taking a few sips of this water can help in protection from inflammation that results in inflammation-related obesity. Here are a few other vital things to keep in mind while drinking jeera water.
Also check out our similar article on how beneficial tomato soup is for weight loss.
Research proves that jeera water can help lose weight, but it is vital to await further studies to know about its working. Another report states that the addition of lime and cumin powder can accelerate the weight loss process significantly.
Another essential research shows that 88 overweight women consumed cumin and availed a faster weight loss in return. Cumin is effective in weight loss, but it’s vague to keep unrealistic expectations in this regard. Jeera targets any specific part of your body, like the flab on the stomach or any other midsection area. It helps in lowering the inflammation levels and eradicating fat deposits but only if taken rightly.
Give a try to self-made jeera water by adding 2 spoons of jeera seeds into 1.5 glasses of boiling water. Then you can strain out the seeds and infuse healthy extracts and oils into them. Intake of jeera water can boost up your metabolism level and impart better hydration as well. Anecdotally, drinking jeera water on an empty stomach each day can render the best outcomes.
Apart from the jeera water, there are many other ways to infuse cumin into your diet. In the market, there are oral supplements also available that consist of ground cumin seeds or oil. You need to take them as per the instructions specified on its package. Adding jeera into your daily meals can also offer moderate benefits to those who consume it. Other places where cumin seeds are evident include rice seasoning, roasted vegetables, lentils, and many other recipes. It is high in iron and minerals and known for its antimicrobial properties. You can buy it from any of the grocery stores in ground form to straight away merge it with the lukewarm water and drink it.
Health food stores and farmers’ markets are other places where these seeds are available. It is advisable to take cumin supplements from trusted sellers online. Jeera water poses enticing benefits for the health and body well-being and helps in weight loss. It helps in cutting down calories and gives you a good shape as well as a healthy lifestyle!