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Tomato Soup 101- Good for Weight Loss or Not?

Wednesday October 27, 2021 at 11:10 am

Packed with goodness of nutrients, juicy, red, and plump tomatoes are crucial for Indian meals. The tangy punch of this fruit is irreplaceable, and it is a regular part of the daily diet in India. Apart from the home country delicacies, the glamour of tomato is evident in all types of cuisines such as Italian, Mexican, and even Spanish. The dominant tang in tomato soup satiates the taste buds, and its nutritional value provides adequate vitamins and antioxidants, but is it effective for a weight loss diet?

Tomatoes are very supportive in enhancing your heart health and also bolster the immunity levels considerably. Many expert dieticians and nutritionists also recommend tomato soup intake when they are on weight-loss diets. It has a high density of beta carotene, Vitamin C, and lycopene in abundance that manages heart health and considerably cuts down the risk of cholesterol.

Tomato soup is also suitable for patients suffering from high blood pressure. It is a superfood due to the incredible amalgamation of vitamin K, B1, B2, B5, and B6, magnesium, iron, and potassium. It is also effective in burning fats and utilized in Tomato Puree and other recipes as well.

Why is Tomato Soup Perfect for Weight Loss?

An important reason for the popularity of tomatoes is their low count of carbohydrates and calories. This fruit has rich water content and works as the best option for those who need to stay away from calories and enjoy a fuller tummy. Tomatoes work as a perfect addition to the weight loss diet. Every 100 grams of tomatoes have around 18 calories, making it the ideal pick for weight loss. Other reasons for the inclusion of tomato soup in daily meals are:

  • Tomato plump is rich in antioxidants, and its consumption ensures that you are not short of nutrients and additional vitamins.
  • It helps keep your stomach full for a longer time, and you do not feel hungry very often.
  • Tomato soup is also rich in natural fiber and helps people with constipation or other such issues.
  • For healthy digestion, intake of this soup is very important as it also proves helpful in eliminating waste from your body.
  • Those on a weight loss diet can rely on the efficacy of this soup to burn fats from your stomach.

Also, check out a guide on ways in which cinnamon helps in reducing weight here!

Top Benefits of Tomato Soup for Those on Weight Loss Regime

Struggle with increasing weight is indeed a tricky one. People need to make multiple efforts, time, and self-control to cut down the increasing weight. It is also essential to abstain from munching on irresistible and lip-smacking foods. For losing weight, people need to pursue a strict diet regime along with physical exercise. The combination of workouts and exercise can prove helpful in gaining the desired weight.

Tomatoes are genuinely rich in health benefits, and they are a dietary source of antioxidant lycopene that has numerous health benefits. This can also reduce the risk of heart-related ailments or cancer. Tomato soup is also very rich in folate, vitamin C, Potassium, and vitamin K. Let’s check out the facts to identify if tomatoes are beneficial in weight loss or not.

  1. Low Calorie- Tomatoes have an abundance of proteins, fibers, minerals, and vitamin content. They also have a lower count of calories, and a medium-size fruit consists of around 123gm consists only of 24 calories.
  2. Rich in Fibre- Tomato is also a rich source of insoluble and soluble fibers. With the soluble fiber of this fruit, the people’s calorie intake can reduce, and it can keep them fuller for a longer time, thus reducing the craving. This is an excellent source of foods that also improves gut bacteria. On the whole, tomatoes keep track of your body weight and allow the digestive system to stay free from constipation.
  3. Lower Glycemic Index- Foods with a lower GI are ideal for weight loss and can prove effective in surging up blood sugar levels. The average Glycemic index of tomatoes is almost 38 that is far lower than 55, which is approved for low GI foods.
  4. Packed with antioxidants- The intake of tomato soup also includes a higher number of antioxidants that work perfectly for weight loss. The right level of antioxidants can bolster your immunity system and repair the cell damages.
  5. Low Carbs- It facilitates weight loss due to a lower count of carbohydrates in this food. A large tomato has just 7gm carbs making it perfect for the daily diet.
  6. Helps in Digestion- Constipation or indigestion might result in unwanted weight gain. Tomatoes help maintain a sound digestion system and also facilitate proper bowel movement that helps in weight loss.
  7. Boost Metabolism- Tomato pulp or soup can spike up the metabolism and induce genes that include fatty acid oxidation. It also stimulates amino acid production that reduces the fat-burning ability in your body.
  8. Enhances Good Cholestrol- Intake of this fruit can reduce bad cholesterol levels and increase HDL or good cholesterol in your body. It also has effective results in managing weight loss and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Also, check out a detailed guide on the side effects of applying tomato on the face here!

Can I Include Tomato Soup in Weight Loss Diet?

Yes! You can go for it without any consideration on it. Add it to your daily diet, along with exercises that can show up prominent outcomes. Rich protein and carbs in tomatoes help reduce weight, and it constitutes 70% of the diet while 30% exercise.

Simple Ways to Include Tomatoes in Diet Apart from Tomato Soups

  • Prepare sandwich wraps with a slice of bright and fresh red tomato in them.
  • Add it as garnishing in the form of diced tomatoes, wedges, and baby tomatoes.
  • Use raw chopped tomatoes and consume them with omelets and boiled eggs.
  • Add it into your kebabs, pasta, pizzas, and cottage cheese.
  • Make stew and curry by adding a generous amount of fresh tomato puree.
  • Prepare a tangy tomato smoothie or delectable juice.

Besides all this, tomato soup is an all-time favorite for people who wish to enjoy the flavors and stay fit.

Final Words

Are you now equipped with the exciting benefits of tomato soup? Then what are you waiting for? It is vital to avoid overdoing it in your intake. The right amount of intake of this soup can be beneficial, but it can cause problems in excess amounts. Hence, you should restrict tomatoes to merely 1-2 meals per day. Also, keep track of its portion sizes before you start enjoying them.

Tomatoes can be healthy and juicy treats for everyone fond of tomatoes and prefer their intake for healthy skin, body, and heart. If you have had any earlier allergies or reactions, check for the same before exploring its recipes and dishes. Once you are okay with it, you can include it into your daily meals and impart several health benefits, and weight loss is the significant one. Start enjoying the benefits of tomato soup today itself!