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How to Care for Your Skin in Winter Naturally

Saturday March 5, 2022 at 1:05 pm

Winters can be brutal on your skin which might go dry from exposure to cold, dry air. It might feel itchy, grow red and irritate. Sitting in rooms made warm by heaters and fire can have the same effect. Hot showers that you might love to take during winters can rid your skin of natural oils. And if you are trying to get natural with your skincare, it may seem extra tricky with the option of using ready-made creams gone. Don’t worry. You won’t be lacking options. The truth is, most cosmetic products depend on natural products to give you skincare now; you are just cutting the middle man. Here is a list of ten easy tips on how to care for your skin in winter naturally.

1. Drink lots of water

Part of the reason your skin may dry in winter is that you are less inclined to drink water in winters. Thus drinking water is naturally (intended) in the list of ten easy tips on how to care for your skin in winter naturally. Is there a better moisturizer than water? It is recommended to ensure that you drink enough water. A glass every couple of hours won’t hurt. It will help your skin fight off acne and keep you wrinkle-free. You are expected to drink at least a couple of liters of water in a day. You can use reminders or health apps to help you develop the habit of drinking water regularly.

2. Using coconut oil

As long as you don’t have oily skin, coconut oil is your friend. Its easy availability and loving touch to dry epidermis make its regular use first in the list of ten easy tips on how to care for your skin in winter naturally. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer, and it is recommended to apply it to your skin, especially your hands and face, during winters. Don’t wash it off before at least half an hour. And you get fresh-looking skin in a few days.

You can also use it to take care of dehydrated skin on your nose that develops due to your catching cold.

Bonus tip: It can also be a natural cure for your dandruff problems in some cases when applied to your hair and scalp.

3. Using Aloe Vera

You can not think of writing about ten easy tips on how to take care for your skin in winter without mentioning aloe vera. Aloe Vera is a favorite of companies selling skincare and cosmetic products. It’s a natural moisturizer that can also be used as an aftershave. It also fights away acne. Aloe Vera also brings to your skin several desirable antioxidants. Afraid of those wrinkles that spoil your face? Aloe Vera is your friend. You can apply the gel periodically and forget it. You don’t need to worry about washing it off. Its magical effect on your skin will leave you thanking your gods for it.

Bonus tip – like coconut oil, it can also help you fight off your dandruff problems when applied to your hair and scalp.

4. Applying honey

You can not go wrong with honey – not only as an edible product but also as a skincare product. Honey can be applied to your skin for a quarter of an hour as a natural way of moisturizing your skin. It will work on all kinds of skins, and it will also protect against some microbes and leave your skin glowing.

The secret behind glowing skin given by these products is exfoliation. Your body’s ability to develop skin cells decreases as you grow older, and Exfoliating will rid your older skin cells and reveal the newer, glowing ones. To get a very effective homemade face mask, you can mix it with turmeric and Aloe Vera gel. You can blend the honey with several other skincare products like milk, yogurt, buttermilk, eggs, fuller’s earth, etc.

5. Applying fuller’s earth on oily skin

Also known as Multani mitti, fuller’s earth is your friend if you have oily skin. In this respect, the opposite of coconut oil is that it’s not meant for dry skin, and its secret is its cleansing properties. If you have oily skin, you want a cleanser so that it can restore your skin to its glow. Further strengthening its use in the list of ten easy tips on caring for your skin in winter naturally is that you can blend into several unique combinations with other skincare products like orange peel, sandalwood powder, honey, cucumber, yogurt, etc., to name a few.

6. Drinking pomegranate juice

Next in the list of ten easy tips on how to take care for your skin in winter naturally is drinking pomegranate juice periodically. Its polyphenol antioxidants protect your skin against harmful oxidants, and it is also known to reduce skin aging. It also offers countless health benefits, including good for your RBC count and heart. If it is not already in your grocery time, it is high time you add it – doubly recommended in the case of women.

7. Applying yogurt

Yoghourt is another friend of your skin that can be picked up from your kitchen. It offers the dual advantage of being both a moisturizer and exfoliator (because of its lactic acid content) for your skin. All you have to do is apply it on your skin for a third of an hour periodically.

8. Washing your face with milk

Kings and queens of ancient times used to take baths in raw milk, and for a good reason. It is a natural toner, and its antioxidants and lactic acid can eliminate those nasty dark spots on your skin, giving it an even complexion throughout. You may not be rich enough to afford a milk bath, but you can probably wash your face using it.

9. Using tomato slices

Another natural moisturizer is Tomato. Just cut a tomato into a slice and rub the slice over your face or put a couple of them on dark spots for some time to get fairer skin.

10. Using egg masks

Last on the list of ten easy tips on caring for your skin in winter naturally is applying egg masks. Egg masks are easy to create, have unique skin healing properties, and excellent moisturizers that you can use across different skin types.


Question: Are their any other natural remedies to take care of your skin?

Answer: These are only some of several natural skincare remedies that you can use. There are others like applying potato slices, buttermilk, etc.


Before deciding on which of 10 easy tips on how to care for your skin in winter naturally you want to use, it is recommended you understand what kind of skin you have, such as oily or dry? Whether it has any allergies? After understanding your skin’s needs, you decide on your skincare plan. Consult your skincare expert where possible. It is also recommended to keep your face and hands covered not only because it’s cold but also so that you can retain their moisture.