With the increasing level of pollutions, stressful and often healthy lifestyles and more and more of exposure of skin to UV rays, our skin is setting into premature aging. Now spa treatments are too expensive and often the chemicals used are harmful. One doubts the benefits of creams advertised on television. Thus we are left with no alternative but to return to good old homemade solutions. Homemade solutions are free of any artificial chemicals. And believe me, it easier to make them than you might believe.
Here we bring you 5 homemade masks for glower skin:
Turmeric has antioxidants that have strong anti-aging benefits, get rid of pimples and can also lighten your skin. Combine it with honey and milk to make an effective face mask. Honey helps by hydrating the skin and it has antibacterial properties – in fact, it is a necessary ingredient in all the face masks listed here. Lactic acid of milk is a natural cleanser. To make the mask, take one teaspoon of each of three ingredients and mix them. Apply the mask twice weekly.
Coconut oil – 1 ½ tablespoon
Cocoa powder – 1 tablespoon
Honey – 1 tablespoon
Ground oatmeal – ½ tablespoon
Coconut oil nourishes your skin while cocoa powder is rich in antioxidants. Ground oatmeal is a natural cleanser. Mix the above ingredients in a bowl, blend them, apply them on the skin with a skin applicator brush and let the mask sit on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat twice weekly.
Baking soda – 2 tablespoons
Honey – 1 tablespoon
Olive oil – 1 teaspoon
Egg yolk (optional) – 1
Baking Soda is a natural cleanser while Olive oil fights premature aging. Egg Yold improves skin elasticity. Mix the above ingredients in a bowl with a motorized blender, blend them, apply them on the skin with a skin applicator brush and let the mask sit on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes. The mask will tighten up over time. In the end, remove it with water and apply a moisturizer afterward. Repeat twice weekly.
Earth clay – 2 tablespoons
Apple cider vinegar – 2 tablespoons
Lavender essential oil – 2 drops
Tea tree essential oil – 2 drops
Earth Clay is an amazing detoxifier. Apple Cider Vinegar helps in maintaining pH balance of the skin, Lavender oil soothes it and tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties. Mix the above ingredients in a bowl, blend them with a wooden spoon, apply them on the skin with a skin applicator brush, let the mask sit on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes and remove it with a damp washcloth. Afterward, rinse your skin with water and apply moisturizer. Repeat twice weekly.
Honey – ½ tablespoon
Lemon juice – ½ tablespoon
Egg white of 1 egg
Lemon juice improves skin tone and egg white tightens the pores. Mix the above ingredients in a bowl, blend them with a hand blender, apply them on the skin with a skin applicator brush, let the mask to dry and remove it with a damp washcloth. Afterward, rinse your skin with water and apply moisturizer. Repeat weekly.
All the above combinations will help you get a glowing skin. But there are a few things to be considered. There might be some ingredients that you cm be allergic to and the skin requirements are often different from one person to another and thus we highly recommend doing a patch test first. Also, don’t apply the mask to the sensitive areas around your eyes.