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Best Ways to Gain Weight for Females- An Expert Guide!

Wednesday November 6, 2024 at 1:46 pm

Do you want to shed a few extra pounds for that fuller look? While the internet is flooded with guides on how to get thin and slim for women, many women need help to get guidance on gaining a healthy weight. Many females might want to gain some weight due to any underlying medical reason, general health, or any independent fitness goals. Here’s an extract for all of them. 

The necessity of weight gain is often overlooked as it’s considered a natural and easy process. However, healthy weight gain also needs a precise diet plan and mindful routine to avoid an invitation to other types of health concerns. 

Just like being obese is a health threat, underweight females also pose a lot of health conditions due to underlying deficiencies or other reasons. Let’s evaluate the significance of weight gain and effective ways to achieve it in women. 

Why Do Females Might Want to Gain Weight?

Excessive or sudden weight loss due to any treatment or disease can result in different kinds of mineral or vitamin deficiencies, reduced immunity function, or weakening of bones. Many women suffering from lack of nutrition also suffer from disrupted menstrual cycles and brittle teeth, hair, skin, or nails. 

A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are the keys to healthy weight gain in women. It is advisable to seek an expert opinion from your certified dietician or healthcare professional about special recommendations to attain your desired weight goals. 

Few women can achieve their desired weight gain simply by increasing their calorie count, while for others, other factors such as exercise, lifestyle, and nutrition must be considered. We have jotted down generalized tips and strategies for gaining a few healthy pounds without making any major changes to your lifestyle. It’s time to delve into them in detail. 

How to Gain Weight for Females?

Here’s how to begin:

–          Add More Calories to Diet

Healthy weight gain is directly relevant to the amount of calories you consume. If you desire to increase kilos, add more calories to your daily meals, depending upon your desired weight aim. It is advisable to consume up to 500 calories on a daily basis for a steady weight gain. If you can’t increase the number of meals or the food portion, add a few calorie-dense snacks to your meals for better results. 

–          Eat Frequently

The majority of females have a small appetite and can’t consume heavy portion sizes. It is ideal for them to intake smaller meals at regular intervals, but they must include nutritional foods. Around 5-6 mini meals a day, including high-calorie and extremely nutritional superfoods, can help you achieve the desired goals. It will not just boost your metabolism rate but also help in even fat distribution in all required parts of the body. 

–          Intake Shakes and Smoothies

Females can’t gulp in a lot of solid foods, so the idea of liquid calories through nutrient-rich smoothies and shakes works wonders. It can contribute to healthy weight gain in women. Creating a quick blend of frozen or fresh fruits, Greek yogurt, plant-based milk, Dairy products, seeds, and nut butter can result in a nutrient-rich beverage. 

–          Increase Calorie Density

Females aiming for healthy weight gain must cautiously choose food and snacking. Calorie-dense food items prove effective for women who build muscle mass and bone strength. Selective nutrient-dense food items such as dried fruits, avocados, nuts, nut spreads, and full-fat dairy products can meet your daily calorie requirement for gaining extra kilos.

–          Add Healthy Dips and Toppings

Females targeting weight gain can add dips or toppings to their meals to pack on a few kilos. It’s a tasty way to get the right weight by shedding some extra cheese on your favorite eggs or pasta or adding some sour cream over the mashed potatoes. Opt for high-calorie dips made from guacamole or hummus, as they complete the daily calorie requirement without making you feel very overly full.

–          Mindful Intake of Beverages

Women aiming at weight gain need to choose their liquid intake carefully. Too much water or low-calorie beverages can fill your appetite, resulting in less consumption of solid meals when required. Females who gain weight should choose nutrient-rich beverages or liquids such as smoothies, shakes, or whole-milk recipes high in calories. 

–          Dessert Indulgence

There’s good news for women who crave sweets! Indulging in your favorite desserts, such as muffins, whole milk ice cream, peanut butter cookies, or coconut ice cream, is an interesting way to gain weight. Moderate intake of these sweet delights regularly can help females relish calorie-dense desserts and gain weight. 

–          Pursue Strength Training

It is a common myth that exercise or strength training is only related to weight loss. Even females on a weight-gain regime must include strength training into their routine for muscle building and leaner body mass. Ask your health expert to design an effective resistance training schedule to sync with your muscle development requirements. 

–          Increase Your Protein Intake

Adequate protein intake supports muscle building and maintenance. Females aiming at weight gain need almost 1.5 grams of protein in their daily meals. The best sources of high-quality protein are nuts, beans, meat, eggs, fish, and different types of dairy products. Protein can prove helpful in meeting daily dietary needs.

–          Balanced Intake of Fats and Carbohydrates

Women on weight-gain regimes also need to increase their intake of fats or carbohydrates as it can help them gain the desired calorie surplus. For this, include healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, nuts, and specific complex carbohydrates in different fruits, grains, and vegetables. 

–          Focus on Energy-Dense Foods

Females intending to gain a healthy weight must concentrate on consuming energy-dense foods as they contain a higher count of calories in each serving. Food items such as nut butter, dried fruits, avocados, and full-fat dairy products are the perfect examples of energy-dense foods. 

–          Refrain from Excessive Liquids Before Meals

Drinking excessive water before meals can result in a feeling of satiety and leave less room for the intake of delectable foods. Though it is essential to stay hydrated always, avoid drinking water right before meal times as it might result in a feeling of bloating. 

–          Get Enough Sleep

Good sleep is vital to a healthy body as it gives your body time for recovery and even supports muscle growth. Women who wish to gain extra weight must sleep for at least 6-8 hours each day to help their bodies recover completely. It proves effective in amplifying the weight gain process.

How Long it Takes for Weight Gain in Women?

Weight gain is subjective to your body’s metabolism and other multiple factors. For some individuals, gaining pounds can be a tedious process, while others can pile on kilos easily. To put it short, consuming 1000 calories daily can help women gain almost 11 Kgs in six months. A maximum of faster weight gain is possible through muscle mass and not body fat. 

A mindful increase of extra calories in your weight-gain diet plan might show promising outcomes in almost six months. Several factors, like genetic body nature, hormonal cycles, and metabolism rate, can hinder the weight-gain process for females. It is not about the amount of weight you pile on, but the point where you feel healthy and active matters more. Do not try to overeat or do excessive strength training for weight gain beyond a point, as it might have negative effects.

Be patient with your weight gain journey. The hormone leptin is responsible for driving hunger feelings to your mind, making you consume more meals. Expect gradual and long-term changes instead of quick transformations. Await the outcomes soon!

Final Words- ‘Switch to Sustainable Weight Gain Plans!’ 

We believe the above strategies and weight gain tips for females might prove helpful in gaining the desired body and health. Above all, adopt the right approach to embark on the weight gain journey and consume a balanced diet by creating the right diet plan. Seeking assistance from a good healthcare provider always helps get customized solutions to meet the desired targets. 

The above ways are just a generic compilation of common ideas for gaining healthy weight for females. They are no replacement for medical consultation by a specialist in this field. Staying healthy is always more important than focusing merely on weight loss or weight gain. A consistent and sustainable weight gain approach for women is bound to provide you with desired outcomes. 

Thanks for reading. Please share your suggestions, diet plan, and weight gain journey to motivate others who are in the same boat!