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Complete guide on Contraception- Ways, side-effects, and tips!

Wednesday September 2, 2020 at 4:33 pm

If you are sexually active and want to spare the unwanted pregnancy horror, taking contraceptive measures are the best way out. Getting indulged passionately often skips the thought of probable pregnancy, and you might regret afterward. Hence, it is vital to take precautionary measures to lead a healthy sexual life and cherish the wonderful moments with your partner. Here is the complete guide of the temporary and permanent contraception methods and their side effects. Let’s start with it!

What does contraception mean?

Any medical intervention to obstruct a potential pregnancy in case of unprotected sexual relation refers to the contraceptive method. With technology advancement, many innovative contraceptive measures are available, including condoms and oral pills, as the most common ones. You can also opt for other options like Depot hormonal shots, Intrauterine Devices (IUD), and new pill combinations. However, it is always advisable to consult your doctor before making choices on these alternatives.

Tips before selecting contraception methods:

  • Age is an essential factor in determining the most secure contraception technique. A few methods might be risky for a few women, and apt medical intervention is vital for this.
  • Marital status is the next crucial criteria for choosing contraception as many prefer temporary contraception while many want to go for a permanent option.
  • Number of children and the overall medical history also need attention to pick on the right contraceptive methods.
  • Every body type and their reaction to each contraceptive method is unique. Depending on multiple factors, the decision for the right contraceptive method is advisable.

Common methods of contraception

  • Condoms

    If you wish to opt for an emergency contraceptive measure, condoms are the most commonly used alternative. They also act as a protective shield to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. External use of condoms makes them a medically safe option to use in most cases. Many couples do not like using them as they reduce the sensation of physical intimacy. But the biggest drawback is their high failure rate. There are chances that it might tear up, leading to unwanted pregnancy. Also, if you or your partner have any chances of latex allergies, even then, using condoms is an ideal preventive measure.

  • Oral pills

    A highly popular contraception method are birth control pills. Loaded with multiple benefits, these pills allow you to enjoy sexual intimacy without any external object interference. But the consumption of these pills also has many side-effects on women. Hence, it is advisable to consult your gynecologist before switching to this contraceptive measure. Taking these pills might trigger hormonal disturbance that can also cause massive mood swings more prominent than the once you get during periods. They obstruct the natural cycle of ovulation, leading to a few side effects in women, such as nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, and irritable behaviors. However, many women continue on this contraception method for years without any problems.

Can abrupt stopping of contraceptive pills lead to some side-effects?

If you stop taking these birth control pills without your doctor’s guidance, it might result in heavy menstrual bleeding or even lead to immediate pregnancies or miscarriages. Plan before quitting them and seek advice on the right methods for it.

  • Injectable contraceptives- A heavy dose of progesterone injection can interrupt your period cycles to prevent pregnancies. You might have to take these shots after every twelve weeks on your buttock muscle and prevent unplanned pregnancies. As these are also hormonal injections, some kind of side-effects is highly possible.
  • Implants and patches- This is also a viable contraceptive option for long term protection. Application of Small rod-like patches and implants over your skin intervene with the hormone secretion process. Low secretion of hormones breaks the regular ovulation cycle that aids in the prevention of pregnancy. You might need an implant every three years, and it is quite an effective measure for pregnancy prevention.
  • Permanent Contraception- If you already have children and have no future pregnancy plans, permanent contraception is the best way to escape temporary methods’ side effects. Vasectomy and Tubal Ligation are two methods that ensure safe birth control, and their failure rate is also very minimal.

Every type of contraception method comes along with some side-effects, and it depends on individual body types. However, you must study the initial signs and seek medical opinion without any delay, or it might lead to unexpected emergencies. Every contraceptive method is prone to failure, and early signs to determine it are missed periods, abdominal pain, or very light and irregular bleeding.

Emergency contraception methods

When you are using a contraceptive method like condoms and tears during the sexual intercourse, you need an immediate back up with emergency contraception. It is an ideal option to prevent pregnancy when other regular contraceptive methods fail. However, it should be occasional and not regular, or else could lead to severe damages. Young college going girls haphazardly use these emergency options that lead to accidental pregnancies or immediate heavy bleeding.

Two popular methods of emergency contraception are:

  • Emergency contraception pill

    You might have heard about it as a ‘morning-after pill.’ It has a very high hormonal dose that immediately restricts the usual cycle of releasing the egg from ovaries and prevents pregnancy. But, it cannot help if the egg is released even before consuming the pill. It is useless if you eat it more than one time during the menstrual cycle. You must take it within 72 hours of unprotected sex. These are OTC pills readily available at medical stores and safe to pop without doctor’s advice. But they should be an option only in case of emergencies.

  • Intra-Uterine Device (IUD) insertion

    p> You might have commonly gone through the term ‘Copper-T,’ which is another preventive measure against unplanned pregnancies. Many women are aware that inserting it within 5 days of unprotected sex can reduce pregnancy chances. It can also manage the early implantation in your uterus. Besides, you can gain its advantages until the next device insertion. Women often use this contraception widely but not in the case of emergency option as they are unaware of it. However, your gynecologist can guide you on it.

What are the side-effects of contraception methods?

May it be emergency, temporary or permanent, every contraception method has some level of risk. Although the fact is many women suffer severe side-effects while others barely find any change. Keeping a check on small changes and bodily behaviors can help determine the most suitable option to prevent pregnancy. A list of common symptoms relevant to pregnancy include:

  • Nausea and Vomiting

    Many women suffer morning nausea and irrelevant fatigue that is often misunderstood as early pregnancy symptoms. However, if you find that the symptoms are getting more prominent, it is advisable to consult the doctor at the earliest possible.

  • Disturbance in the menstrual cycle

    Every woman has a specific menstrual cycle ranging from 28 days to 35 days. However, using various contraceptive methods might lead to unwanted changes in your menstrual cycle, like decreased or increased days in the cycle.

  • Light, irregular or very heavy bleeding

    There is no worry until you are experiencing a moderate period. However, extremely light or heavy bleeding can be alarming signs that you cannot miss out.

  • Unexpected or accidental pregnancies

    Many times, contraceptive methods completely fail and lead to accidental pregnancies that might take a toll on your physical and emotional health.

  •  Although this happens with very few women, prolonged exposure to various contraception methods might result in a play with your fertility rate.
  • Increased chances of ectopic pregnancy

    Medically known as ectopic pregnancy or the pregnancy in a fallopian tube is a severe medical condition that might need immediate medical treatment. Failed contraception leads to an ectopic pregnancy that can, in worst cases, even prove fatal.

  • Abnormalities in the fetus after unplanned conception

    Even after several contraception doses, if you happen to conceive, there are probabilities of some abnormalities in a fetus due to hormonal imbalance. Your doctor can figure this at the early stage of pregnancy with multiple ultrasound scans and can recommend termination if required.

Every medication or treatment comes with a set of effects and side-effects. Before taking any decision, consulting your gynecologist should be your first move. They have years of experience in dealing with such cases and are well-aware of your medical background. Their suggestive contraceptive methods and strategies can help you evaluate the right option that is also perfect for your health.


This write-up can give you the completed and in-depth knowledge about the various types of contraception methods, their advantages, disadvantages, and efficacy. It gives you a chance to think about the ideal contraceptive measure that would work right for you and provide optimum protection. A good doctor might undergo a few necessary tests and then suggest you the perfect contraceptive method. It is always good to enjoy physical intimacy without fear of unplanned pregnancy, and contraception methods can help you retain the pleasure!