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Indian Foods to avoid for kidney stones
11 Feb, 2022

What Indian Foods To Avoid For Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are fairly frequent among individuals, and if you're wondering why, the answer is as simple as it is complicated: a lack of enough water...

Probiotic Indian Food
10 Feb, 2022

Probiotics Indian Food: Everything you should know

Probiotics have always been in the public eye for quite some time now. These are living microorganisms that are beneficial to human health. The bacter...

estrogen rich indian foods
9 Feb, 2022

Estrogen Rich Indian Food that you should include in your diet

With a woman's menopausal progression, her progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen levels begin to fall. The risk of heart disease increases as a res...

key limes benefits
29 Jan, 2022

What are some of the greatest key lime benefits?

Key lime is recognized worldwide to be highly beneficial to the health profile. Based on the scale of acidity, Key lime outranks regular lime and thus...

Quail eggs side effects
27 Jan, 2022

What are the benefits and side effects of Quail Eggs?

An up-and-coming item on everyone’s dining table is a deliciously whipped up dish of quail eggs. These tiny sized eggs, which come from the common q...

Toned milk for weight loss
25 Jan, 2022

Amazing benefits of toned milk for weight loss

Milk is often regarded as the sole stand-alone meal that contributes to the body's overall development. Toned milk for weight loss has developed as a ...

toned milk vs normal milk
24 Jan, 2022

Toned Milk vs Normal Milk: Which one is useful?

We all know that milk is a very important food in our lives. There are many reasons because of which we consume milk. There are many types of milk. In...

17 Jan, 2022

Everything You Should Know About Progesterone Rich Indian Foods

The body of a woman passes through numerous phases during her life. From the menstrual cycle through conception, pregnancy, and menopause, a hormone k...

is mustard oil good for weight loss
20 Dec, 2021

Is mustard oil good for weight loss? Benefits and Nutrition

Mustard oil is one of the most used components in Indian kitchens. B-complex vitamins including niacin and riboflavin are abundant in mustard seeds. M...

is chana dal good for weight loss
19 Dec, 2021

Is Chana Dal good for Weight Loss?

The chana dal is a staple food we can't live without. It's famous for its usage in Indian recipes. Chana dal is a nutritious legume found in chutney, ...

coriander juice for weight loss
15 Dec, 2021

Coriander juice for weight loss! Here’s how you can reduce weight by this magic

Weight reduction, of course, takes discipline and commitment. It is not a task that you can accomplish in a single day. Your diet is an important elem...

foods to eat in jaundice for speedy recovery
22 Nov, 2021

What Are the Best Foods to Eat in Jaundice?

Are you willing to know all about Jaundice? It is a common problem that most struck newborn infants, adults, and even aged people. There might be an a...