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veg diet
30 May, 2020

Advantage of Vegetarian diet

Adopting a mostly vegetarian diet has a number of benefits. Here we list many of them below: Less toxin intake There is such a process known as biom...

Food for liver
27 May, 2020

Food that are good or bad for your liver

Introduction The liver is that part of the body in which an individual break down the carbohydrates and converts them in the form of glucose. Along w...

25 May, 2020

HIV and its testing

What is meant by HIV testing HIV testing is also known as HIV screening. It is the way to detect if you have the virus in your body. HIV test checks ...

Thalassemia : Symptoms and Remedies
19 May, 2020

Thalassemia : Symptoms & Remedies

Thalassemia is one of the rarest diseases; there are cases where thalassemia can be harmful to a patient and force them to take a diet and exercise fo...

Hypertension: Symptoms & Remedies
18 May, 2020

Hypertension: Symptoms & Remedies

Hypertension is a lifelong chronic disease which is commonly known as high blood pressure. If not cured, it can be life-threatening and can cause fata...

16 May, 2020

Acne : Treatment, causes, symptoms and home remedies

Acne we all have ever experienced acne in our life once. Sometimes acne has ruined our plans also. It is very irritating when you are all set to go so...

15 May, 2020

Diabetes : Types, Symptoms & Remedies

Diabetes is, without a doubt, the most common disease in the whole world. According to a survey, one out of ten people in this world who are over 20 y...

Nursing as Career
12 May, 2020

Nursing as a Career

Nursing is an incredible career to follow, and there are lots of things that you can do by studying to become a nurse. As we know, nurses are one of t...

diet that help in improving joint pain 
10 May, 2020

The diet that help in improving joint pain 

With old age comes many diseases and other health problems, and joint pain is one of them. There are many medicines and surgeries that doctors tell yo...

Medical Test
9 May, 2020

5 medical tests you must ask your mom to take on this mother’s day

Mothers are the only ones in this world who always take care of her family, and it's our responsibility to take care of her and her health as well. Mo...

GYM at Home
7 May, 2020

Most Essential Tips To Build A Gym At Home

A home is pretty well a place where we do almost all the activities which means that it is a perfect place to set up our personal gym as well. It is d...

5 May, 2020

Asthma: Symptoms and Remedies

This article deals with Asthma, its symptoms, and remedies. Several diseases in the world are spreading in vast numbers. Most of them are curable, whi...