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What are the benefits and side effects of Quail Eggs?

Thursday January 27, 2022 at 5:50 pm

An up-and-coming item on everyone’s dining table is a deliciously whipped up dish of quail eggs. These tiny sized eggs, which come from the common quail bird, taste as good as any other poultry egg and have the same amount of nutritional value. Quail eggs are a small variant of chicken eggs with an off-white shade with a spotted pattern. These are some of the most popular alternatives to eggs, even though there are a few drawbacks that should be remembered before the consumption of quail eggs.

What are the benefits and side effects of Quail Eggs?

Quail eggs are a very balanced food in terms of their nutritional value – with calories, protein, and vitamins. While there are a number of benefits, there are also certain negative pointers that should be noted. Let us see what these are.


  • One quail egg usually contains the following nutrients: Calories, protein, vitamins A and B12, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, and fat to name a few. This makes them an extremely good addition to a diet.
  • Quail eggs are very small in size, weighing about 9gms. So having 2 or 3 eggs together can be a good idea, in a full meal.
  • The Vitamin intake you can get from a quail egg is its greatest advantage.
  • The Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 content is really high in a quail egg that can be the addition you need to your diet
  • These eggs come with a lot of anti-oxidants that has the power to reduce cellular damage from long term diseases
  • They are known to have great benefits on hair and skin, so they can be used as an organic product for both.

While the benefits are abundant, there are a few things to keep in mind for anyone starting a diet with quail eggs. Moreover, you can also go through our guide on side effects of consuming jeera water here!


  • Some people might be allergic to quail eggs which have to be positively tested before consumption
  • Quail egg allergies have been known to be very common, so it should never be had before a thorough cooking
  • Quail eggs might lower blood sugar or blood pressure, which can make people with these conditions vulnerable
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are advised to avoid quail eggs since the nutrient value might interfere with their health.

As of now we have gone through the benefits of quail eggs and know let us walk you through the basic side effects that you should be aware of before you are deciding on whether you should have quail eggs or not.

6 Quail Eggs side effects to be aware of

  • Often sold unpasteurized: When you are purchasing quail eggs from the market, there is a greater chance that they were sold unpasteurized. This means they were not heated to kill the bacteria on the shells. So for people with a health condition, women who are pregnant or nursing should avoid quail eggs at risk of the bacteria entering their system. In case someone is still willing to add quail eggs to their diet, they should never be had raw or undercooked. Fried and properly boiled eggs are the best ideas to have.
  • A host of allergies: There are a lot of people allergic to poultry, chicken eggs in particular. So there is a chance if someone is allergic to chicken eggs, they will be allergic to quail eggs. The best idea is to get a full allergies screening before starting a diet that includes quail eggs. Otherwise, there is a chance that consumption of quail eggs without knowledge of an allergy can cause an anaphylactic shock which might even be fatal.
  • Could cause a Hypoglycemic reaction: Quail eggs are known to control blood sugar levels since they have a low glycemic index. For patients suffering from a blood sugar condition, there may be a sudden rise or fall in blood sugar levels with excess quail eggs.
  • Not a good idea in low blood pressure: Quail eggs contain a high amount of potassium, which is a great nutrient in any diet. However, for patients with hypertension, the potassium levels in quail eggs can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure. This might be a health hazard in many situations, so people with hypertension should look out for the consumption of quail eggs.
  • Not heart-friendly: Quail eggs are known to have fat and high cholesterol levels. This automatically makes them a bad idea for anyone with a heart condition. Quail egg yolks, which are more in quantity, are known to have a very high cholesterol content, which increases the risk for heart patients.
  • Extra care for people with health conditions: Quail eggs can be a great dietary supplement, which is being advised by many healthcare experts. At the same time, consultation with a physician is a good idea before making them the supplement. It helps avoid any unnecessary complications that may arise later.

Also, check out our guide on side effects of applying tomato on face in detail here!

Quail Eggs FAQs

Q1. Quail eggs or chicken eggs – what to choose?

Ans: Quail eggs are actually a good alternative for chicken eggs, with a few different nutrients. But which one you would like to choose is entirely up to you, depending on what kind of taste you like.

Q2. What is the greatest nutritional value of quail eggs?

Ans: Quail eggs come with a great assortment of nutrients from proteins, carbs to low fat and iron. Out of all, the best quality of these eggs is how rich they are in vitamins.

Q3. How are quail eggs used for skincare?

Ans: In recent studies, quail eggs have been found to be great for skin care. These eggs can be applied to both skin and hair because of the rich antioxidants that can help you get clear skin. It also helps in controlling dandruff and makes the hair roots stronger.

Q4. Do quail eggs boost immunity?

Ans: With their high iron and vitamin content, yes, quail eggs can actually help in boosting immunity.