Water has been called the elixir of life. Jal Jeevan hai – Water is life. There is quite a profound truth in that statement. The human body needs a lot of water – it is made up of water by up to 70 percent. A lot of this water is lost every day in sweat, urine, etc. One must replenish this water. Thus drinking water is always good for health, whether on an empty or full stomach. In fact, a full appraisal of drinking water will take its entry, but here, the discussion is confined to drinking water on an empty stomach.
It is a tradition in many cultures, including Indian and Japanese cultures, that one should start one’s day by drinking some water on an empty stomach. Doctors and scientists now back this because of many health benefits that result from the same. Some of the essential health benefits of drinking on an empty stomach include the following:
The first and one of the most important benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach is that it can help clean the bowels. Drinking water on an empty stomach can bring about easier bowel moments and is particularly recommended for those facing problems with their digestion.
Another excellent perk of drinking water on an empty stomach is that it can help one flush out the various toxins from the body – thus, it helps in detoxifying yourself. Doing this can cleanse the body, improve the skin’s quality, and even bring a glow to one’s face.
It has been discovered that headaches may also be caused by people not drinking enough water. A glass of water on an empty belly can help one avoid headaches.
Another excellent perk of drinking water, particularly on an empty stomach, is that it has been associated with reducing or controlling the bad body order issues in some cases.
One of the most crucial benefits of drinking water is it’s great for metabolism. It can get the body’s metabolism engine running faster, resulting in more rapid conversion of calories into energy.
Drinking water on an empty stomach in particular and drinking water in general, is known to increase metabolism, as discussed above. It also stimulates the red blood cells to grow at a faster rate. Both of these mean that body has access to higher amounts of energy, and thus one feels more active.
Drinking water on an empty belly can help one reduce weight in three ways. Firstly it refreshes the body in the morning without any consumption of calories. That means that the body is consuming existing calories faster (and thus makes one feel more active). Moreover, it keeps one going without food for a more extended period. Drinking water before a meal can also reduce the number of calories one will consume in the meal as one feels less hungry. Moreover, water increases metabolism, which means consumed calories are readily converted into energy.
Drinking water on an empty belly can be good for the skin in two ways. First, it washes out the toxins in the body, which may lead to problems like wrinkles. Moreover, dehydration may make skin pores which may collect all kinds of dirt particles – and drinking water can help one avoid that.
Drinking water on an empty stomach can also lead to the growth of healthier and better hair. It is essential to drink plenty of water for the hair to grow well.
Another excellent benefit of drinking water on an empty stomach is that it can help prevent the formation of kidney stones and bladder infections by diluting the harmful substances in the kidneys.
Drinking water on an empty stomach can reinforce the immune system and flushes out all the toxins.
The question ‘what to eat when you have diarrhea?’ is connected with several frequently asked questions (FAQs). The following are some of the most important of these.
Question: What can I do to develop the habit of drinking water on an empty stomach?
Answer: The following tips may help one develop the habit of drinking water on an empty stomach:
Question: Are there any other precautions or tips to be taken for developing a habit of drinking water on an empty stomach?
Answer: Yes. The following precautions and tips are recommended while developing a habit of drinking water on an empty stomach:
If the reader has any other queries, they should feel free to ask them here.
One can easily wrap up the above discussion by concluding that drinking water on an empty stomach is an easy and healthy habit to develop with several excellent health benefits.