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10 Uses of Leftover Fruit and Vegetable Peels

Saturday June 20, 2020 at 9:03 am

Fruits and vegetables are essential components in a balanced diet. However, throwing leftover fruits and vegetable peels is a problem for every household. Though these are biodegradable yet they need time to decompose. They can create pollution in the environment until they disintegrate. Hence, you need to recycle and reuse them. You can use these peels at home for various purposes.

Uses of Leftover Fruit and Vegetable Peels around the House

  1. Clean greasy metals: Lemon is a citrus fruit. It contains acid. You can use lemon to clean metals with grease. Antioxidants in the environment affect the oily metals and make them rust. You can use lemon to reduce the effect of the oxidation process. Spread salt or baking soda on the affected area and then rub it with lemon. This way, your metals can get rid of rust and oxidation.
  2. Clean your kettle: Tea kettles get mineral deposits to build up in them. You need to fill the vessel with water and lemon peels and bring it to a boil. Then, close the heat and let it settle for an hour. After that, rinse it off. 

Use of Leftover Peels in Beauty Products

  1. Skin moisturizer: Fruit peels add texture and glow to your skin. They also moisturize the skin and exfoliate it. Avocado peels act as good exfoliator and moisturizer. Thus, you can use them to moisturize your skin. It acts as a natural beauty product.
  2. Banana scrub: Banana is perfect for your skin. It is an excellent exfoliator and an anti-agent. It removes wrinkles and makes your skin look younger. You can easily make banana peel scrub at home and extract the benefits of it. Sprinkle some sugar on the banana peel and rub it all through your skin. You can then wash it in the shower.
  3. Refresh your skin: Fruit peels are beneficial for your skin. They refresh your skin and give it a new look. You can rub orange or grapefruit peel and then rinse in warm water.

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Use of Leftover Fruit and Vegetable Peels to Enhance Food Items

  1. Make fruit zest: Citrus fruits like lemon, orange, lime, etc. can be used to add flavor to other food products or food items. You can also store it in the frost for future use. It gives all your dishes a sweet flavor and taste. Zest is the outer layer of fruits. It is used in many recipes to add flavor to them. A boost in the food items is the citrus flavor that gives the dishes a unique taste.
  2. Potato crisps: Potato crisps can be a delicious snack. It can be made healthier with potato peels and lemon juice. First, you need to wash the potato peels and dry them properly. Then, you need to coat them with lemon juice and olive oil and place them on a baking tray. Bake these potato peels for 10 minutes on 400 degrees. After that, you can season it with some salt and other spices to add more flavors to it.
  3. Citrus extract powder: You can also make citrus extract powder and efficiently reuse the leftover peels. To make the citrus extract powder, you need to make zest first. You can also make twists with lemon, lime, and grapefruit. Then, let it dry for 2 to 3 days and wait. Then make a powder and store it for later use.
  4. Stock: You can make vegetable stock from potato peels, onion skins, or other vegetable peels. You can also add herbs to it. You can use this vegetable stock in many vegetables and other supplements.
  5. Brown sugar: You can use vegetable and fruit peels to make brown sugar soft. You need to cover the sugar with lemon peel. Make sure that it contains some lemon juice and pith. It relieves you of the brick in the pantry.

 You can use the above methods to reuse leftover fruit and vegetable peels. These peels can do wonders for you if you use them properly. You can use them as organic fertilizer for your kitchen garden.