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Maximum of the deceased people above the age of 45 years were not vaccinated completely

Tuesday June 1, 2021 at 1:56 pm
Among the 200 people who died due to Covid-19 during the previous week were more than 45 years of age and did not complete their vaccination procedure, in spite of having the scope to receive it, except one person.
Nearly 157 people (87%) didn’t have their first dose despite the vaccine being freely available to them. Only 25 people (13%) received the first dose.
A senior doctor involved in the treatment of Covid patients stated, “A sizeable section of Goa’s 60+ population has been vaccinated, but the statistics show that people who have died are the ones who have not taken the vaccine. Very few have succumbed after the first dose of the vaccine.”
In the previous week, the government reported to the high court of Bombay at Goa that more than 2 lakh doses are there with them for people more than 45 years of age but the people are unwilling to get themselves vaccinated.
Dr Vinyak Buvaji, President of the Indian Medical Association, Goa is of the opinion that both the doses of vaccination lowers the intensity and aggressiveness of the virus.
He added, “The Covid deaths in people who have been fully vaccinated have been very negligible in Goa.”
Buvaji stated, “We have to vaccinate at least 60-70% of our population for herd immunity to set in. We should complete this within the next two months to be prepared for the next wave. We have already been badly hit by this wave.”
As there is a very little adverse impact of the vaccination, he advised that door-to-door vaccination should be started in order to boost the immunization procedure.
The president of the Indian Medical Association concluded, “This must be done offline as unnecessary time is wasted on registration on the portal and in poor internet connectivity. The data can be loaded on to the portal at the end of the day. A team must have a ready list in hand and along with ward members move door-to-door for vaccination.”