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banana on empty stomach
16 Dec, 2021

Can You Eat Bananas on Empty Stomach?

There have been several myths and stories about the right time to eat your favorite fruit banana! Is morning breakfast the best time to munch on it? M...

coriander juice for weight loss
15 Dec, 2021

Coriander juice for weight loss! Here’s how you can reduce weight by this magic

Weight reduction, of course, takes discipline and commitment. It is not a task that you can accomplish in a single day. Your diet is an important elem...

which banana is good for babies
14 Dec, 2021

Are Bananas a Good Option for Babies?

How about adding bananas into a daily meal for your baby? It might be anticipated to choose first-ever solid food for the new baby. Bananas are a wond...

Is banana good for jaundice
27 Nov, 2021

Is Banana Effective in Treating Jaundice?

Jaundice is a prevalent disease that is quite common in people of all age groups. Do you want to find out if Banana helps in quick recovery from Jaund...

foods to eat in jaundice for speedy recovery
22 Nov, 2021

What Are the Best Foods to Eat in Jaundice?

Are you willing to know all about Jaundice? It is a common problem that most struck newborn infants, adults, and even aged people. There might be an a...

is dalia good for weight loss
20 Nov, 2021

How is Dalia Helpful in Dealing With Weight Loss?

A bowl of Dalia can do miracles, and that's probably why it has become a breakfast staple in many households. With a high quantum of fiber content in ...

jeera water for weight loss
17 Nov, 2021

How to Lose Weight with Consumption of Jeera Water?

Jeera of cumin has a flattering aroma, fantastic taste, and the host of nutritional benefits that Indians have been well-versed for centuries. Most In...

is puffed rice good for weight loss
14 Nov, 2021

What Does Puffed Rice Mean?

Murmura or 'Puffed rice' often gives you the first impression of the delicious bhel puri recipe. Peddled for its crunch and munch, this is a standard ...

methi water benefits
12 Nov, 2021

Interesting Benefits of Drinking Methi Water!

Commonly referred to as Fenugreek in English and methi in Hindi, it's a highly beneficial multi-purpose herb with small white flowers and green leaves...

drinking cold water benefits
10 Nov, 2021

Is Cold Water Good for Health? Find it Out Here!

Can you improve your health by drinking a few glasses of cold water daily? Many people try to control their temptation for chilled water as they are u...

benefits of fanugreek seeds soaked in water
8 Nov, 2021

Why to Drink Fenugreek seeds soaked in water every day?

Methi dana, also popularly known as the fenugreek seeds, can bless you with many health benefits if soaked in water. It’s a common spice available i...

Jeera water side effects
7 Nov, 2021

What are the Side Effects of Drinking Jeera Water?

Jeera, also known as cumin in English, is a regal Indian spice enhancing the flavors and aroma of delicacies for decades. How often have you heard of ...