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22 Jun, 2022

Why Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach Is a Good Idea?

Water has been called the elixir of life. Jal Jeevan hai - Water is life. There is quite a profound truth in that statement. The human body needs a lo...

21 Jun, 2022

All About Working Out on an Empty Stomach

It's sometimes recommended that one work out first thing in the morning - even before eating breakfast. Working out in fasted state is believed to hel...

20 Jun, 2022

The Right Food for Diarrhea

It's embarrassing to admit that one has it when one does, but occasional Diarrhea is instead a common thing - most people will have it at least once a...

18 Jun, 2022

How Many Calories Are Okay to Be Consumed in a Day?

Ever since their consumption has been connected with obesity, people have been asking how many calories one should eat in a day. This question is not ...

18 Jun, 2022

Six Easy Ways to Get Rid of Mice

They are the ride of Lord Ganesha - the elephant-headed God of beginnings in Hinduism. Mice are also unfortunately troublesome, creepy, somewhat scary...

17 Jun, 2022

Five Ways to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can be the ugly menace of one’s existence. Mostly they are connected with pregnancy though they may show up in other ways (see frequen...

benefits of makhana
30 May, 2022

Top 10 Exciting Health benefits of Makhana

If you haven’t tried makhanas, it is high time to try them. They are a particular type of seed-derived that is driven from the Euryale Ferox plant, ...

how to fall asleep fast
28 May, 2022

10 Simple and Easy Tips so that you can Sleep Faster

Theoretically, all people are supposed to spend roughly one-third of their lifetime sleeping. That may vary greatly, as babies sleep a lot while older...

giloy benefits
26 May, 2022

Magical and Countless health benefits of GILOY

Ayurveda is a rich medical system with herbal remedies for most commonly occurring ailments. Often these remedies offer multiple health benefits; howe...

why does my eye hurt when i blink-min
25 May, 2022

12 Reasons Why Your Eyes Hurt When you Blink

Eyes may hurt for a variety of reasons when one blinks. This article will discuss some of the most important of these causes. The following are som...

how to get rid of blackheads in ear-min
24 May, 2022

The best way to remove blackheads from ears.

Like pimples, acne, dandruff, and dry skin, blackheads can be a great nuisance for someone trying to take care of their looks. While blackheads can fo...

bladderwrack benefits-min
23 May, 2022

Excellent health benefits of bladderwrack

Bladderwrack, also known as Fucus vesiculosus, is a type of brown seaweed with incredible health benefits. It has been traditionally used in medicine ...