10 Research-Backed Things to Do for a Healthy Gut

Sunday July 7, 2024 at 12:39 am

A healthy gut indicates a healthy you! Isn’t that true? In easy words, gut health refers to the balance of microorganisms present in your digestive system. Managing the right balance of these organisms aids in ensuring sound mental and physical health as well as good immunity levels. In medical terms, the microorganisms such as yeasts, viruses, and bacteria that balance your gut system are also referred to as ‘gut flora’ or the ‘gut microbiome.’ These microbiomes are a boon for your digestive health, but only some of them. Any disruption in their tendency or count can impact your gut system. 

We’ve listed down the science-backed solution to take care of your gut health by ensuring a proper balance of the gut microbiome. Here’s all you must know!

What are the Signs of Unhealthy Gut?

If any part of your gut or digestive system is unhealthy, it might show some symptoms. There are a few common reasons for poor gut health:

–          High-stress levels

–          Lesser sleep

–          Intake of the Western diet of too much of sugary and processed foods

–          Taking antibiotics often

All this might affect different health aspects like:

–          Immunity System

–          Weight

–          Hormone Levels

–          Disease Development

Now, let’s take a glance at the signs of weak gut health:

  1. Stomach Disturbances: If you are facing problems such as constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, bloating, or constipation, you are likely unable to discard the waste properly. 
  2. High-Sugar Diet: Intake of processed foods and sugars can reduce the count of good bacteria in your gut and increase inflammation. This can be a precursor to multiple dreadful diseases as well. 
  3. Unwanted Weight Changes: Loss or gain of weight without any alteration of exercises or diet might signify an unhealthy gut. This disrupts the ability of your body to absorb nutrients and fat storage and regulate blood sugar levels. Weight loss might also occur due to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or due to increased inflammation or insulin resistance. 
  4. Fatigue and Sleep Disturbance: Experts state that gut bacteria imbalance is related to disrupted sleep duration, which might result in chronic fatigue. It has a connection with metabolic function, mental health and inflammation. 
  5. Skin Irritation: Bacteria in the gut are also associated with skin conditions such as Psoriasis. A reduced quantity of good bacteria can adversely affect skin health and the immune system. 
  6. Autoimmune Condition: An unhealthy gut can also hamper the immune system’s functioning and result in various autoimmune diseases, and the body starts attacking itself. 
  7. Intolerance to Certain Foods: Another reason for problems with gut health is difficulty in digesting certain types of food items. It is distinct from food allergies that occur due to the immune system’s reaction to foods, such as lactose intolerance, which leads to gas, bloating, or abdominal pain. 

Best Ways to Ensure Good Gut Health!

  • Prefer Probiotics and Eat Fermented Food

Kimchi is amazing for gut health. Probiotic supplements help provide you with a healthy gut, and they are widely available in various drug or food stores. 

Its intake also provides a gut microbiome, which prevents inflammation and other intestinal issues. Including fermented items such as kombucha, miso, kefir, tempeh, and sauerkraut can help in improving your gut. 

  • Eat Prebiotic Fibers

Experts suggest that probiotics feed on prebiotics, a type of nondigestible carbs. It encourages good bacteria to increase in your gut system. Prebiotics support probiotics to help them develop tolerance to environmental conditions like temperature changes or pH. Rich sources of prebiotics are chicory, banana, asparagus, garlic, onions, whole grains and Jerusalem artichoke. 

  • Cut down on sweeteners and sugars.

Consuming high amounts of artificial sweeteners or sugar may result in dysbiosis, the gut imbalance of microbes. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame might increase the count of bacterial strains, leading to metabolic diseases. It refers to the conditions resulting in heart disease or diabetes. Intake of artificial sweeteners can also interrupt the blood glucose level and spoil the gut flora. 

  • Refrain from Stress

Stress or sleep deprivation can be a primary concern for poor gut health. It is essential for retaining good gut health. Many scientific reports state that psychological stressors may disrupt intestinal microorganisms even with temporary stress. It is possible to manage stress by following various techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, meditation and deep breathing exercises. A healthy diet and balanced lifestyle also help!

  • Do not Take Excessive Antibiotics

In certain cases, antibiotic intake is recommended to combat various types of bacterial infections, but its overuse might pose a health concern, resulting in antibiotic resistance. 

These medicines can hamper immunity and gut microbia even after 6 months of use and deprive the gut of good bacteria. In a surprising study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US doctors prescribe 30% of unnecessary antibiotics to patients. Search for alternative options before starting any antibiotics. 

  • Regular Exercising

Daily exercise regimes can provide you with good health and also support weight management and weight loss. It can prove effective in managing obesity, and many athletes have better gut flora than normal persons. At least a few hours of moderate-intensity physical activity every week can support muscle strengthening. 

  • Take Enough Sleep

Taking a good amount of sleep can aid in enhanced mood, cognition, and good gut health. Irregularity of sleep patterns can lead to negative outcomes on gut health and raise the risk of inflammation. A study in 2014 states that irregular sleep cycles can induce multiple gut issues, and that is why adults must sleep for at least a minimum of 7-8 hours every night. 

  • Disinfectants and Cleaners Pose a Rish

Very few know that cleaning agents and products also have a negative effect on your gut health, and even infants are at risk here. People making use of disinfectants two times a week are at a higher risk of Lachnospiraceae gut microbes that are related to obesity and type 2 diabetes. 

  • Say ‘No’ to Smoking

Smoking is a primary reason for several gut-related problems and affects both the lungs and the heart. It may also increase the possibility of cancer and alter the intestinal flora. It decreases the amount of beneficial microorganisms and increases the hazard of systemic or intestinal conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). 

  • Prefer Vegetarian Foods

The gut health of people who eat vegetarian food is much better than those who stick to non-veg meals. A vegetarian diet comprises prebiotic fibres that help in enhancing gut health. It is better if you switch to vegan meals and eliminate all animal products like dairy, eggs, meat, and milk for at least 1 month and notice a change in gut health. This regime also supports the weight loss process. 

Gift Yourself a Good Gut by Following the Above Things!

Now you know the hack to restore your gut health and ensure a better immunity system as well as overall good health. Making certain types of dietary or lifestyle changes can modify the diversity as well as the count of microbes in your gut, ensuring a better health system. 

Switch to positive lifestyle changes such as sticking to a fiber-rich vegetarian diet and discarding excess use of disinfectants or antibiotics from your routine. Moderate sleep, regular workouts, and balanced meals can surely bring an end to all your gut woos!

Seek professional advice in case of any pre-existing medical condition or allergies to specific food products. 

Stay Blessed with Good Health! 

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