ACT-A requests G20 and other donors to offer an additional fund of $22.8 billion for the proper distribution of COVID-related medicines in all underprivileged countries. The target is to deliver the pills by September 2022 to ensure the complete dispersal of drugs. It helps in filling in the gaps of supply in advanced and wealthy countries. Many donors have also pledged to offer $18.5 billion for the program.
With the specified program of the World Health Organization, developing countries can allow access to COVID-19 related tests and vaccines for providing antiviral drugs. This is an experimental pill by Merks and Co’s that provides medications for treating patients with moderate symptoms. It can help in the treatment of mild symptoms, and the cost is not less than $10.
A detailed document mentions all goals related to the Access to Covid tools accelerator (ACT-A) until September next year. As per the document, this program can deliver almost 1 billion Covid-19 tests for the poor and economically weak nations. By procuring these drugs, there is an estimation of treating 120 million patients all over the world. The count can lead to 200 million latest cases within the next 12 months.
As per the latest program of WHO, the supply of drugs is available at a lower price cost, and wealthy nations can also order it at higher rates. This is with regards to allowing quick and timely shots for the poorest nations of the world.
The document by WHO states that global leaders are coming forward to provide a donation in the G20 Summit in Rome at the month-end. Donors are asked to offer additional funding of $22.8 billion till the end of September 2022.
Requests are based on providing a $10 course for the patients to offer oral antivirals for people having milder symptoms. These pills were developed by the molnupiravir and have shown positive outcomes during the last-stage trials. Its original costing is $700 for every course. After the intervention of generic drugmakers, the same package would not cost more than $20.
The final target is to complete vaccination of 70% of the overall population from worldwide till the end of last year by WHO.