Mumbai: A minimum of eight healthcare warriors from various hospitals of the city have been detected Covid-19 positive even after receiving both doses of the vaccine. They are reported to have been suffering from mild symptoms presently and few have been admitted to the hospital. According to experts, such a situation is completely not unexpected and Covid-19 protocols must be observed even after taking the vaccine.
Even after receiving the second dose of the vaccine, three healthcare workers have been detected positive and are under treatment at SevenHills Hospital in the east of Andheri. Among them, an intensivist stated that he had received the first dose of the Covishield vaccine on January 20 and the second dose on February 24. He developed symptoms and was tested positive after ten days of getting vaccinated for the second dose. He added, “This is the first time I have tested positive despite working in the ICU for the past one year”. He warned that in spite of getting vaccinated, one must need to wear masks and follow social distancing. The doctor is currently having a mild symptom.
A single case of the infection after vaccination has been registered in Parel’s KEM Hospital. Dr Gajanan Velhal, the head of community medicine stated that the member of the faculty have tested positive after one week of receiving the second dose of the vaccine. He further added, “The individual has a mild disease and is undergoing treatment at home. We haven’t heard of any cases. Coronavirus is an airborne disease and a vaccine cant stop the infection. What it can do is prevent the infection from progressing to a disease, or preventing the disease from becoming critical”.
The three patients admitted at the SevenHills are not in a serious condition after the vaccination. Dr Maharudra Kumbhar, officer on special duty in SevenHills said, “We have three cases post-second dose and almost a dozen infected people after the first dose. Most have a mild disease. No vaccine has an efficacy of 100% so some are bound to get the infection after taking vaccines. It has been seen world over”.
In case of both the Covishield and Covaxin vaccines, complete immunity gets restored in 14 days after taking both doses.
Dr. Gautam Bhansali, a physician from Bombay Hospital has been aware of three cases where healthcare warriors have been detected positive on RT-PCR. He added, “All got the infection after five to seven days of vaccination, but all were mild and treated at home”.
The intensivist from SevenHills Hospital opined that a mutation in the ongoing strain might be the reason of the infection.
Two health department officials from Jalna, across Maharashtra, have been detected positive after receiving the second dose. A doctor from Jabalpur in MP, aged 48 years has also been detected positive. Dr. Om Srivastava, an expert of infectious disease is of the opinion that there should be a serious analysis if more such cases are reported after vaccination.