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A fall in positive cases for the second time in a row

Thursday May 13, 2021 at 6:33 pm
The Union Health Ministry on Wednesday announced that India is witnessing a fall in the number of active cases (37,04,099). The total fall in the positive cases amounts to 11,122 within a span of 24 hours.
The ministry is of the opinion that the positive cases have come down for the second consecutive day.
The positive cases as of now consists of 15.87 per cent of the total infection throughout the country.
The ministry opined that states like Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Haryana, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh totally contribute to 82.51 per cent of the total positive cases in India.
The total number of recoveries in India sums up to 1,93,82,642. 3,55,388 people have already recovered within a time span of 24 hours.
The ministry opined that now the rate of recovery has surpassed the fresh daily cases for the second consecutive day.
It’s noted that states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Delhi and Haryana contributed to 71.22 per cent of the total 3,48,421 fresh cases daily.
With 40,956 active cases, Maharashtra tops the list in terms of highest daily fresh cases.
Then comes Karnataka with 39,510 active cases and then Kerala with 37,290 positive cases.
The ministry stated that the National Mortality Rate now has reached 1.09 per cent.
Within a time span of 24 hours, 4,205 fatalities were registered.
Ten states contribute to 73.17 per cent of newly reported deaths. Maharashtra witnessed the maximum number of deaths (793) and then comes Karnataka (480).
The ministry told that the total number of Covid-19 vaccine doses reached more than 17.52 crore.
As per the provisional report until 7am, 17,52,35,991 vaccine doses in total have been administered through 25,47,534 sessions.
These comprises of the 95,82,449 healthcare workers (HCWs) who have received the first dose and the 65,39,376 HSWs who have completed their dose.
5,58,83,416 people aged in between 45 to 60 years received the first dose of the vaccine and 78,36,168 people of the same age bracket completed both the dose. 5,39,59,772 people aged over 60 years have taken the first dose of the vaccine while 1,62,88,176 people of the same age group have received both the dose.
Since the commencement of the third phase of the vaccine, within a time span of 24 hours, 4,79,282 people within the age group of 18-44 years have completed the first dose of the vaccine and 30,44,463 people across 30 states.
Within 24 hours, more than 24.4 lakh people received their vaccination.
On the 116 day of the inoculation drive- dated May 11, 24,46,674 doses of the vaccine were administered. Throughout the 18,543 sessions, 10,92,452 people got the first dose of the vaccine and 13,54,22 received both the doses.
The Centre is providing global help to the states and UTs under the ‘Whole of Government’ approach to improve the Covid management capability.
In order to strengthen and supplement the Covid response, the states and UTs have received 9,200 oxygen concentrators, 5,243 oxygen cylinders, 19 oxygen generation plants, 5,913 ventilators/ Bi-PAP and 3.44 lakh Remdesivir vials.