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Food that are good or bad for your liver

Wednesday May 27, 2020 at 11:48 am


The liver is that part of the body in which an individual break down the carbohydrates and converts them in the form of glucose. Along with this, it will also play a major role in creating the bile and helps to store nutrients in the body. Therefore, to protect their liver from the harmful attacks some people eat specific foods or drinks that will increase the power of their liver and make it capable to fight with the problems. 

Good Food

  1. Coffee– In a report released in 2013 clearly says that coffee is an effective way to protect your liver from fatty liver diseases. Along with that the report also says that there is more than 50 percent of people consume coffee in the United States. Not only with the fatty liver attacks butt coffee also helps your liver to get protected from the liver cancer. This is because the granules present in the coffee will kill cancer-causing substances from the body. 
  2. Oat Meal– Oat Meal is one of the most fibrous foods that are easily available in the market. Fiber is an important aspect of the digestion process of the body. Another name of oatmeal is beta-glucans and these substances will work fantastically against the problems like inflammation and have effective results against diabetes and obesity. Now if we look at the liver then some studies clearly show that oatmeal has a very good result in reducing the fat stored in the liver. 
  3. Green Tea- Although it is already proven that green tea helps to reduce the body fat and works as an antioxidant for the body. But if you look at the benefits of the liver from green tea then it will help to reduce the level of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease from the body. 
  4. Garlic– Garlic is one of the most effective things that you may consume to protect the condition of your liver. A study conducted in 2016 clearly says that the people who consume garlic will have less chance to suffer from liver problems and NAFLD. Along with the benefits of the liver, it will also protect an individual with obesity and fat. 

Bad Food

Now after looking at the benefits of food lets take a look at the food items that will work on the degrading side for the liver diseases

  1. Fatty Foods– as in the current time we all love to eat junk food and the food items that contain oils in heavy amount but if you are conscious about your liver then you must have to maintain a distance from these things as the packed food items and chips will work against your liver.
  2. Starchy Foods- the starchy food contains bread, cakes, and pastries that we all love to go and eat but if you are a health-conscious person you have to maintain a distance from these things. 
  3. Sugar– It is one of the most harmful food items that we all take every day in our life. But it is also true that you cannot alter the food items that contain sugar because in the present times there almost everything that will contain sugar like cereals and baked food items. If you are a health-conscious person then you must need to take it in a very low amount to protect your liver from harmful disease.


With the final words, we conclude that here we discussed some of the food items that are good for your liver or bad for your liver. We hope that after reading this article you will get the exact idea about the food items that you need to take or not. So keep these things in mind and protect your liver from such harmful diseases.