Interview : Jon van der from BeMicron.

Thursday February 13, 2020 at 10:40 am

Jon has 30 years of experience in contamination control management, having established and managed specialized cleanroom laundries all over the globe. Throughout his career Jon has been managing and developing these businesses as a whole; the evolution of compliancy towards GMP, technical systems, operational best practices, commercial product, and proposition developments, as well as the digitalization of this particulate business, developing custom applications for management and quality control. The global experience Jon has is very much relevant to the BeMicron vision having designed, build and established cleanroom laundries both for commercial use as well as on-premises dedicated end-user laundries. As co-founder Jon has joined BeMicron to support the development of its laundry and product propositions working closely together with the BeMicron team to market and deliver these to its partners and customers. Besides work Jon is an enthusiastic offshore sailor and as a true Frisian from the north of Holland loves sports like ice skating, rowing lifeboats, and cycling. Presenting the excerpts as team Medical Darpan spoke to Jon from BeMicron.

MD: Tell us about BeMicron?

Jon: BeMicron is a Belgium-based family business that has been active in the cleanroom clothing decontamination sector for more than 25 years. Over the years, the company has gathered a global experience in providing innovative contamination control services and products. The company is responsible for producing the revolutionary aseptic gowning system that completely protects cleanrooms from human contamination. Its contamination control solutions include coveralls with compliant gowning solutions, integrated goggles & breathing equipment, in-house laundry with intelligent track & trace system and training & e-learning for cleanroom operations. BeMicron offers a full range of services and a customized solution in accordance with the norms and standards from ISO4 to ISO8.

MD: How old is BeMicron and your role in BeMicron?

Jon: BeMicron is now 10 years active and I, Jon Van der Weide, am the Co-founder of BeMicron where my primary responsibility is to support the management team in the development of the business and the supply of its services to its customers, ensuring we fulfill our customers demands now and as they evolve towards their future.

MD: What are some of the improvements in the pharma industry that have benefited you?

Jon: Strict rules and transparent policy-making by all global pharma & biotech regulatory bodies have benefited us in telling our story better.

MD: How do you see the future of BeMicron in enabling pharmaceutical companies?

Jon: BeMicron looks at itself as an innovator and game-changer in the field of contamination control in life sciences.

Most importantly as we alter the supply chain allowing our customers to own their decontamination services instead of having to buy these at 3rd parties. This without the hassle of ownership ensuring cost and performance transparency, therefore significant savings and being in control.

We aim to provide the best decontamination solution via garment and laundry solutions to the pharma companies for improving their sterile operations. With this, BeMicron looks to enable improvement in regulatory compliance within the drug manufacturing circuit which in effect would also help domestic companies in various developed and developing countries to go abroad.

MD: Is BeMicron only into the manufacturing sector or they act as Supplier too?

Jon: BeMicron manufactures the garments to be used in the cleanroom or sterile operations. They act as a supplier for the laundry machines & equipment and provider of their self-created IT solution to assist & manage the entire facility starting from garment management to laundry management.

MD: What is the USP of BeMicron?

Jon: Full transparency in the cost of operations with regard to contamination control products and services, enabling significant savings towards actual outsourcing market benches.

BeMicron takes pride in its robust R & D activities that focus on coming up with the best possible ways to stop contamination. From that perspective, our USPs are:

  • The Gowning Method of the coverall
  • The Design of the coverall

Alongside this, we believe our IT-solution supporting the entire concept of BeMicron is a strong USP because it not only facilitates management remotely but also makes the entire operation affordable and economical.

MD: What are your current target markets for the BeMicron and why?

Jon: We are doing well in developed countries like EU and outside Europe where companies seem to follow rules and regulations seriously without having many observations from regulatory bodies. The problem lies in developing countries where the number of observations from regulatory bodies is high. Therefore, we are currently focussing on emerging economies, South Asia to be specific, where the pharmaceutical industry is seeing a big boost and the domestic companies are expanding with ambitions to go abroad. Here, we feel our product can be put to its best use where our entry into the picture would tick one of the most important boxes for pharma companies under-going regulatory inspections.

MD: What challenges do you encounter on a day-to-day basis?

Jon: The challenges that we face in our regular activities is the lack of proper communication at management level and lack of accessibility to the right people in a global-level pharma company. The industry is, in general, slow-paced but the slow decision makings make it even worse. In many emerging countries, it has also been witnessed that one does not get any access to the concerned people for our type of products in an organization which is also why we are banking heavily on our online activities.