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How is AI Revolutionizing the Packaging and Labelling Processes in Pharma?

Monday July 1, 2024 at 3:25 pm

Is AI (Artificial Intelligence) going to create a new history in Pharma development and growth? The infusion of AI technology in Packaging enhances packaging intelligence, quality, productivity, and regulatory compliance while making precise, optimum use of resources. It is bearing the new light of digital management in the pharmaceutical industry. 

AI is a boon to the modern world in numerous ways, and even the Pharma sector is leveraging its use in the design, development, distribution, and delivery of goods without any loopholes. From the design phase of pharmaceutical goods to Packaging and labeling, AI plays a crucial role in ensuring quality, safety, and minimum scope of mistakes throughout the process. It makes a difference by boosting customer satisfaction levels and developing trust among them. 

Leaving behind the flaws of conventional technology, the contemporary AI approach might lead the Pharma sector of India to new heights and enable it to match global standards wisely. So, let’s get familiar with the actual workings of AI to augment the efficiency in the manufacturing of pharma products.

Artificial Intelligence- Changing Facet of Technology in the Pharmaceutical Processes

AI is the hybrid programming form that is built based on the micro-level data and optimizes data built in the systems with multiple logics. It’s a tailored, intelligent program that functions effectively to process the data and take the required action or decision to complete the action accurately. 

AI programming can help in managing the machinery and equipment used in Pharma industries to curate appealing Packaging of products and complete their labeling part. Complementing machine learning with artificial intelligence levels up the functionality of this automated system and helps in completing the processes without a glitch. 

Modern AI systems optimize the ergonomic and demographical data along with the application of human logic and behavior to it for detailed analysis. It helps in developing a program that works as closely as the human brain, though quicker and smarter than it. 

AI uses the inputs ingrained from various processes and data accumulated along with logical reasoning to come up with rational decision-making and take the right actions. Artificial Intelligence is very close to acting like the human brain, which takes spontaneous calls based on individual wisdom, intellect, and other external factors. 

 However, human actions are subjective and vary from individual to individual based on their level of intelligence and understanding. Their interpretation, perception, reasoning, and perception vary based on their analytical and rational capabilities. It is not the case with AI, making it a perfect technology to complete tasks with uniformity, thus not hampering the quality!

Maintain Quality and Speed with AI-Managed Packaging Processes!

After the design and product development phase of pharmaceutical products or equipment is completed, the labeling and packaging process comes into the picture. It is responsible for enhancing the brand image and creating an appealing look for the product that helps in pushing the marketing or sales activities. Correct labeling guides the buyers in making mindful choices and removes the scope of doubt. 

Many big-size Pharma industries are integrating Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to maintain safety, quality, and stability in their supply chain. Labeling and Packaging with the help of AI proves effective in maximizing productivity while keeping the quality of services and goods intact. With the help of AI, pharma experts can focus on brand protection and brand promotion, thus fostering better customer relationships and managing the entire supply chain system. 

AI programs can be tailored in numerous ways to deploy a standard packaging design, including the areas of the primary packaging phase to the final palletization. Minimum waste, better productivity, perfect Packaging, consistency in production, and lesser process cycle time are a few other perks. This technology is also advantageous in retaining product quality and maintaining regulatory compliance. 

How Does It Work?

–          Packaging

At the time of Packaging design, AI can suggest the perfect container and closure system to lock the product safely. It helps in figuring out a good pack that can store the optimum volume of product and seal it tightly to reach the end user safely. After the final design of primary-level packaging, the AI program also helps decide the perfect dimensions of the secondary and tertiary packs to maximize the pallet capacity. 

Throughout the process, AI supports mapping in process cycle time and the minimum floor space utilization. To build such an expansive program, it is important to program a large amount of product data, information about the packaging material, data about the unit operation, and other details from unit operation along with allied data which supports internal analysis to figure out optimal workable option and efficiency with its in-built logics. 

Artificial Intelligence also aids in harmonizing, standardizing, and optimizing the precise material specifications and process parameters to provide consistent outcomes through automation whenever required. 

–          Labelling 

An Artwork Management System (AMS) is responsible for the labeling process, which is a crucial part of the packaging process. Most of the labeling tasks are also managed through digital platforms these days to retain their accuracy, speed, and quality. 

These days, the whole AMS system is well-managed through AI to remove variability from numerous sites of operations. It also aids in handling large work volumes where numerous languages are involved for the global distribution of pharma products. It is now possible to even manage the generic updates for multiple product labeling through AI programs. Verifying this artwork and printing the packaging supplies is now possible with the use of numerous AI tools. 

Efficient AI programming in numerous regional or local languages followed by the global language, along with translation, helps meet all kinds of user requirements. The labeling process supported by AI consists of multiple digital features that transform the ultimate output. 

AI technology shows exemplary contribution after deployment in areas like process control, rejection analysis, planning and scheduling, forecasting, vendor management, and warehouse management. Pharma companies are incorporating the latest AI technologies to automate the labeling processes in large-scale and even small-scale business landscapes. 

Final Thoughts- Upcoming Future of AI in Pharma!

The introduction of various application software such as ERP/SAP, DOCUMENTIM, TRACKWISE, and GLAMS/AMS is now becoming an integral part of the growing pharma businesses. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are bound to bring a paradigm shift in the automation of Pharma businesses along with adding human logic to it. 

AI holds a massive potential to bring about technological advancement while keeping the societal mindset, emotions, feelings, and thoughts intact. It can be a stepping stone to achieve huge milestones in the pharmaceutical sector and enhance productivity levels, thus ensuring better customer satisfaction levels!