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Health and Fitness Tips for Kids in 2021

Wednesday March 31, 2021 at 9:51 pm

Due to constant attacks on the immune system, a child is prone to problems with cough and cold. However, parents constantly care for their children to keep them healthy and fit. They do not need a degree to take care of your children. They motivate their children so that they can follow health tips. Therefore, parents can their children so that they can follow fitness tips.

Let your child enjoy the food they eat

As a parent, you should always see that your kids should enjoy eating food. You can add some funny elements to the daily task. Try to do some unique things so that your child likes eating healthy food.

Make your child understand breakfast importance 

It is common in many children they try to skip the important meal of the day i.e. the breakfast. The parents have to encourage their kids so that they can have their breakfast every day. The performance of your child will improve in school when she or she will have a nutritious meal in the morning time. Then, your child will feel less hungry at lunchtime at school. Breakfast gives strength to the growing children to perform their activities in school.

Never let your children avoid healthy food 

You should teach your children about the benefits of eating healthy and nutritious food. However, you should not fulfil their demands to eat junk food items like chocolate and burger. You can get these things for them once a week. Avoid situations when your child is going to bed empty stomach. Your role is to make them understand the value of healthy food. It is a necessary fitness tip for the growth and development of your child. You should motivate them and start eating food with them. Then, they will realize the importance of healthy food in their life.

Wash Hands Frequently

However, the children fall ill due to eating without washing their hands. The parents need to encourage and guide the children about the importance of washing their hands regularly. Children are playing and touching anything inside or outside the house. Then, the germs stick on hands. To keep away from health issues, you should teach them to wash hands before and after meals. In addition to this, you should tell them never to put their hands in your mouth and do nail-biting.

Let your children eat their lunch on their own 

You should tell your kids not to share their lunch in school. However, it is the most common way of transferring germs. Now, the school authorities are strictly checking that students should eat their lunch. It is a rule in school for the children not to share the food. Mostly the students follow it. However, some students are not seriously following the rule. Meanwhile, the school administration along with the parents is concerned about the health and hygiene of the children. They are possible steps for the safety of the kids.

School bags should not be heavy for children

In a kid’s life, a school bag plays an important role. Therefore, parents should purchase a wide school bag that has cushion straps. The bags should not feel heavy on the shoulder of school-going children. Keep the heavy items on the centre side of your child’s school bag. Furthermore, the bag’s weight should be 10% to 15% of your child’s body weight. To avoid the issue of muscle strain, the child should carry the bag on the two shoulders.

Essential to do exercise daily 

Children of age 5 to 6 should perform exercises daily. According to experts, heavyweight training is not advisable for growing children. The 10 to 15 minutes exercise should include stretching, jumping, cycling, and swimming. It is an essential fitness tip to ensure the steady physical growth of your child.

Not to force your child to eat food

You should see that if your child is not hungry then do not force them to eat. However, try not to bribe your kids to finish the food present on their plate. It will make them feel frustrated about the struggle to eat food. You can do one-thing give small portions of food to your child and help them to finish your food on their own.

Kids should get enough sleep 

In the case of the growing children the issue of sleeping pattern. The children of the age group 4 years to 5 years should get 10 to 11 hours of sleep the night. Still, your children are not getting enough sleep they are unable to give attention in the class. They will start to feel tired and exhausted. You should not give much exposure to television to your child before bedtime.

Water is essential for every child’s healthy lifestyle 

Water and good food are the two things necessary for the healthy lifestyle of the child. Parents should encourage the kids to take at least 5 to 9 glasses of water daily. On the other hand, children should not drink water while eating their meals. It can affect their digestion system.

Too much computer and TV exposure for the children is not advisable 

You should involve the children in physical activities rather than they are sitting in front of the television and computer. Limited screen time is beneficial for your child to ensure their overall growth and development of their body. It will protect your child from the harmful effects of the screen.

Encourage oral health importance 

You should tell your children to brush their teeth twice a day with a good quality of toothpaste. You can ask your child to avoid eating sugary food all day. The children should not eat anything after brushing their teeth in the night to maintain their oral hygiene.

Final Words 

To maintain the health and hygiene of children, parents should put sincere efforts. They should give time to their children and follow the health tips that are listed in this post.