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Fitness Goals for 2020

Tuesday December 31, 2019 at 7:40 am

With each passing year, we come up with certain goals that we promise to fulfill the next year. One of these is the goal that is related to our fitness. All of us do promise to go on morning walks and join the gym as a New Year resolution but a lot of us end up lying to ourselves. However, this should not be the case in 2020. We ought to prepare feasible Fitness Goals for 2020 so that we can actually stand true to the promise that we make to ourselves. Here we are listing few such fitness goals that you can consider.

Work out at home

It is not always possible to go to a gym regularly but this should not be interference in your fitness routine. Thus, you ought to have the option of working out at home as well. We surely do not expect you to have as sophisticated machines as gyms do but you can surely have access to few kits that can be of great help. For instance, you can easily keep dumbbells and a weight bench at home. This ensures that you are consistent with workouts and you do not have to skip it even a single day. It is only then that working out will become a part of your daily life.

Toil more

You ought to be very serious about the work out that you do. Instead of just focusing on spending particular fixed hours in the gym daily, it is important that you make these hours fruitful. You should set new challenges for yourself each day so that you work hard towards fulfilling those challenges. You need to keep in mind that you need to sweat as much as you can each day in the gym so that you can actually see the results.

Aim for 10,000 steps

Not all of us but many of us are surely engaged in work that requires us to inevitably follow a sedentary lifestyle. For such individuals, one of the fitness goals ought to aim for 10,000 steps a day if not more. As and when your capacity improves you can aim for more steps. In fact, if you are traveling, try to ensure that you are getting this goal right.

All in all, these are some of the Fitness Goals for 2020 that you must set for yourself so that you can actually achieve these and get motivated to set new goals.