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Fertility App, you should refer while planning baby

Monday April 27, 2020 at 7:38 pm

Sharing some of the common fertility app, which may help in conceiving.


This fertility app will track your period dates, PMS, and fertility cycle. It can aid you by providing details about your menstrual cycle, sex, pain, and mood swings. Following are the features offered by this app;

  • Optimized for Apple watch
  • Provides a detailed analysis of your cycles 
  • Integrates 31 tracking categories, which include exercise, sleep, hair, cramps, etc. 

It contains a unique feature; the visual data sequence. It gives a preview of the fertility cycle. 

Glow Ovulation And Fertility Tracker 

Following are the features of the app:

  • Features a menstruation and Ovulation calculator. It will record monthly periods, mood swings, ovulation symptoms, sex, etc. 
  • Has significant benefits for those undergoing IVF treatment.
  • Presents a data analysis of ovulation.
  • You can track daily health records like cervical mucus, BBT, etc. 
  • It also displays fertility predictions by tracking and reviewing your prior periods. 

The most amazing reason to use this app is that it is also helpful for men. They can also record their health & monitor their productivity. Above all, both partners can exchange their charts to get more benefits. 

Ovia Fertility 

This fertility app will work for you to predict pregnancy. It posses multiple indicators. The app has the following characteristics;

  • It displays ovulation calendar
  • It can predict the exact ovulation and fertility window
  • The app tracks mood swings, intercourse, cervical fluids, BP, BBT, weight, and nutrition.
  • It also makes customized predictions. 

The app allows you to sync your fitness tracking devices with the app. You can then monitor full health through explained analysis. You can even easily convert them to a pdf report. 

Fertility Friend 

The application is easy to use and is an advanced ovulation calculator. It is embedded with the menstrual calendar and fertility chart. It is a cool choice for every woman if she wants to conceive. Given below are some of the features of Fertility Freind. 

  • Incorporates advanced tools and that tips, and thus predicts the fertility chart
  • Tracks your fertility signs (body temperature, cervical fluids, etc.)
  • Displays daily notes and record alarming symptoms and medicines
  • Accurately estimates your ovulation dates and thus the fertile days. 
  • The app manages a comprehensive analysis of menstrual cycle statistics for you. Along with it analyze fertility chart also. Menstrual cycle statistics include ovulation dates, cycle phase lengths, period dates, and symptoms.

Other features than these an option for you to choose an alarm that reminds you to feed in the daily entry. If you want to expand your knowledge on the same subject; visit educational resources like videos, quizzes, eBooks, tutorials, etc. 

You can enjoy the Bašić version for free. You can access a more comprehensive data like intercourse time analyzer if you pay a nominal fee. 


This is the most Popular fertility app. Over 1.2 million women use this app across the globe. The unit this app encompassed is Wink. It is a wireless BBT thermometer that monitors the temp. through sensors. Below are the features of this amazing app;

  • It helps women with fertility goals, carries a social community. 
  • It has a user-friendly interface that can easily be handled.
  • The app has Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FABM) Technology.
  • It monitors your cervical fluids and depicts the best time to conceive. It presents data like intercourse, PMS, firmness of cervix, ovulation predictor kit result, cervical changes, etc. 


Fertility Apps are reliable and will help you track your fertility days. You can keep an eye on symptoms. The latest technologies are quite beneficial in terms of conceiving or avoiding pregnancy during intercourse.