Contrary to their name, Yoga Protein Bars are not related to yoga in any way but are strictly meant to cater to the protein needs among people of all the age brackets and genders. These basically target the health-conscious young age bracket and offer them a simple, convenient, on-the-go healthy snack. Breaking each bar to further portions can serve your stomach a quick feed with no additional chemicals entering your body as these are made up of 100% natural ingredients. These were introduced way back in August 2016 by Suhasini and Anandita Sampat Kumar, the siblings. They mainly ventured into manufacturing out of a need to create an on-the-go snack, which is a combination of health, taste and natural ingredients.
There is a tinge of all-natural ingredients experienced while the texture oily due to the presence of cocoa-nut butter which gives out oil in contact with warmth or heat but on refrigeration appears completely fine. There are diverse flavors to choose from including Chocolate Chunk, Vanilla Almond Peanut butter, Nuts and Seeds, Cashew Orange, Cardamom and Coffee. The first two are preferred the most.
It is highly qualitative as it is claimed to be made up of only all-natural ingredients including whole grains, nuts, seeds, and millets. It is also blended with dates as well as honey. Inclusion of hey, lentil and almonds cater to the protein content. You need to however be aware of the limited shelf life that is of 3 months only.
There have been plenty of people who have consumed the bar but there has been no mention of any sort of side effects to date. Neither are there any artificial ingredients like preservative nor is there any gluten. There is surely the presence of prebiotic fiber that is known to stimulate metabolism. There is no evidence of bloating either as it is soft on the stomach. Though strictly meant for the adults, consumption by children in small portion does no harm either.
Each bar has a weight of 60 gm giving 260 calories and 20 gm of protein. In addition to this, it serves 10 gm of Prebiotic fiber, 300 mg of Omega 3s, over 15% of calcium, 3.24 gm added sugar, 2.22 gm natural sugar, 10.46 gm dietary fiber and 14.5 gm of fat. Apart from this, it has omega 3 is 340 mg, Calcium 134 mg, and Sodium 29.8 mg.
Overall, these are all the important things that you need to know about the Yoga bars. These are obviously a great alternative to junk food that is usually resorted to at times when we just need a snack to fill the void I the stomach. Easy to carry, you can always keep a good supply in your handbags or desks so that you can avail them whenever the hunger pangs knock your stomach and save yourself from any sort of junk food.