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5 Tips while you donate the blood

Wednesday June 3, 2020 at 7:39 pm

Blood donation being a noble cause, there can never be a second thought for it. But there are a few things which need to be remembered irrespective of whether you are donating blood for the first time or a regular donor. Specific basic tips are always essential to ensure good health while engaging in this good deed. 

 Blood donation is just the best service to humanity. With this, you ensure saving lives without any selfish motive. It is of extreme importance to take care of yourself while donating blood. Tips to remember before your next blood donation visit are as follows:

 1. Blood donation eligibility

As per the necessary guidelines, one should be at least 17 years of age for blood donation, but few states allow even at 16 years with parental consent. Also, basic minimum blood count is compulsory and pregnant women cannot donate blood. Knowing your blood type is also of extreme importance before giving blood. 

Going through an initial health test or check-up is essential for this purpose. Hemoglobin levels and blood pressure should be checked before going for blood donation. Pulse rate and temperature also need to be checked in advance. Blood Donation can happen if you match the criteria with Red Cross guidelines. Go through them thoroughly before the next visit. 

2. What to eat and drink before blood donation?

Once you have passed health test criteria for blood donation, the next important step is self- care. You can only save someone when you are healthy. A meal before you plan to donate blood must be robust and high in nutritional value. Eliminate fatty foods from your diets like rice and potatoes. This can deteriorate the quality of your blood. Drink lots of liquids like water and juices to stay hydrated. Drinking a minimum of 16-ounce water is vital before donation. 

3. What to eat or drink after blood donation? 

Staying active and energetic even after blood donation is also vital for your health. This can be done by eating the right food, taking rest, and drinking lots of water. Also, after donating blood, include iron-rich foods like fish, beans, spinach, cereals, and raisins to your diet. It can boost the red blood cells, and you won’t face any fatigue or restlessness. 

4. Relaxation is significant with diet

Ensure that you should not do any strenuous activities which can be hectic for you. Heavy weight lifting or high strength exercises can make you feel weak. Just before and after blood donation, it is crucial to let loose of yourself. This would otherwise start making you feel dizzy or fainted as a large amount of healthy circulating blood is being donated. Just a few days rest, and you’ll be all set to rock the gym!

5. When can one repeat blood donation

At least a minimum gap of eight weeks should pertain between two donation sessions. Your red blood cells will replenish, and new ones would be generated by then. 

 Just take a glance at these critical points and proceed for a fantastic service to humanity.