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16 Sep, 2023

Unlocking the Potential: Exploring the Top Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric, scientifically known as Curcuma longa, is a vibrant yellow spice with a captivating history and a wide range of uses in the kitchen and medi...

1 Jun, 2023

Ten Helpful Benefits of Yoga for Men in 2023

In 2014, United Nations General Assembly declared June 21st as International Yoga Day. Ever since that time, spiritualists and yoga experts all over t...

coriander seeds water benefits
14 May, 2023

Health Benefits of Coriander Seed Water

Coriander is native to regions in the eastern Mediterranean and southwestern Asia, but it is now cultivated and used in various parts of the world, in...

health benefits of basmati rice
5 May, 2023

Magical Health Benefits of Basmati Rice

Basmati rice is a universally loved food item in India, the Indian subcontinent, and the Middle East. It is a type of long-grain rice variety. Basm...

benefits of drinking cinnamon water
14 Apr, 2023

Cinnamon Water and Its Powerful Benefits

Cinnamon is a spice that has been popularly used all over India. Recent scientific research has suggested potential benefits of its consumption, espec...

benefits of collagen
19 Nov, 2022

Collagen and Its Magical Benefits

If one was expected to name the most important protein for the human body, it will have to be collagen. It is the protein most abundantly present in t...

Green Tea Benefits
22 Sep, 2022

Top Magical Benefits of Green Tea

Beverages might as well be the most controversial of all food items. Tea, coffee, etc - all have their good and bad properties. Among these, green tea...

22 Jun, 2022

Why Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach Is a Good Idea?

Water has been called the elixir of life. Jal Jeevan hai - Water is life. There is quite a profound truth in that statement. The human body needs a lo...

benefits of white tea
11 Apr, 2022

What is white tea, and what are its benefits?

Beverages are the only place where the health benefits and taste find such a powerful combination when it comes to drinks. Unfortunately, while one he...

how many water bottles should you drink a day
19 Mar, 2022

How much water do we need to drink in a single day?

The question may seem silly to a layperson, but the fact is that most people don’t drink enough water to fulfill their body’s needs. The human bo...

lemon ginger tea for weight loss
19 Jan, 2022

Does Lemon Ginger Tea Work for Weight Loss?

Ginger is a flowering plant frequently cultivated for its root in Southeast Asia; it is used in cooking and baking. Ginger also decreases soreness, st...

turmeric ginger tea weight loss
10 Jan, 2022

How does turmeric ginger tea help in weight loss?

Turmeric & ginger both are common staple ingredients that have their own importance in every dish. But do you know they both have one thing in com...