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Swedish temperature monitoring solutions provider, TSS, appoints new regional manager for Middle East & India operations

Sunday November 1, 2020 at 4:21 pm

Swedish provider of temperature monitoring solutions for the life science industry appoints Christopher Hobeiche to oversee its operations in the Middle East & India as TSS looks to further strengthen their position in key global markets. TSS, who already serves 4 of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, is thereby increasing the opportunities for safe drug delivery in the region. A task particularly important for cold-chain products, such as the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine distribution. 

Stockholm, 29 October 2020: Leading cloud temperature management solutions provider, TSS Middle East, today announces the appointment of Christopher Hobeiche as the new regional manager for their Middle East operations. Christopher Hobeiche joined the TSS Middle East & India team earlier this month as part of strategic efforts to strengthen company operations in the region.

TSS provides temperature monitoring solutions to cater for all stages in the life science supply chain, from API over clinical trials, commercial operations all the way to the patient. The challenge with the distribution of vaccines, who need to be transported under strict temperature surveillance is a hot topic with the upcoming availability of vaccines against COVID-19. To ensure efficiency and safety, vaccines are commonly transported cooled (2-8°C), frozen (-20°C), or deep-frozen (-70°C). The World Health Organization estimates that up to 50% of vaccines are wasted globally every year; a large part because of lack of temperature control and the logistics to support an unbroken cold-chain.1  

The pharmaceutical and life science industry in the Middle East & India has grown significantly over the years, with evolving supply chains that serve some of the world’s most critical markets. As TSS seeks to deepen their operations in the MEA & India in light of the region’s increasing relevance, Hobeiche is expected to spearhead efforts to expand the company’s client base by capitalizing on the expertise, innovative solutions, and collaborative product development culture that has enabled TSS to partner successfully with some of the world´s leading pharma companies to develop tailormade temperature management solutions that advance industry standards and facilitate compliance with industry best practices

Established in 1992 and headquartered in Sweden, TSS first established a presence in the Middle East 10 years ago and has since set up a regional operating hub in Dubai. With their suite of cloud-based temperature management solutions designed specifically for pharmaceutical and life science companies, TSS currently serves 4 of the 10 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world and is well recognized in the industry.

Christopher Hobeiche joins TSS at a critical times when the company is reviving up to expand its market presence in key regions. He comes to TSS with extensive regional sales experience, having worked for top-of-the-line corporate software solutions companies operating in the Middle East & India. He was a sales executive at multinational ERP and business solutions provider, SAP, for over 4 years, and had a one-year at Insightsoftware before he was tapped by TSS to lead their Middle East operations.

To explore the range of services TSS provides in the MEA & India region, contact